I assume Kachiko - but Aramoro could be cool too. I wonder if we'll get a Shosuro card again... It was always great seeing her get a card.
Imperial Cycle 5 Cost Characters
9 hours ago, edong660 said:Dragon:Hitomi/Mitsu/Mirumoto Satsu
Mirumoto Satsu is already dead in this story. Granted, the Dragon story didn't state the name of her dead brother, only that he had died. I suppose they could have Daini be dead instead of Satsu, and / or say it was someone other than Hida Yakamo that killed him, but I rather doubt it.
14 hours ago, phillos said:That's fair. Though that is putting it very mildly
To be more blunt:
Hitomi went coo-coo for Koku-puffs. Not entirely her fault, but still, being so consumed by revenge probably made her more susceptible to the dark influences the Obsidian hand opened her to. Kokujin was behind much of the evil that was done during the 'purge' and subsequent events, but Hitomi bears responsibility for allowing it to happen. She did redeem herself (killing Lord Moon and all that) and even found an kind of acceptance regarding Yakamo.
Yakamo was also a villain. He and his daddy Kisada were villains right at the beginning of the story. They did Vey Bad Things. Yakamo also redeemed himself. Kisada...eh. Let's just say that I like this game's version of Kisada a lot more so far and leave it at that.
In any case, I loved how perfectly the Hitomi and Yakamo character arcs turned out. Having them become the Moon and the Sun fit beautifully. I was incredibly aggravated with how casually later writers disposed of them (Lord Sun Yakamo got maybe a paragraph; Hitomi got even less).
On 10/24/2017 at 3:36 PM, Ishi Tonu said:Yogo Junzo
Kuni Yori
Mirumoto Hitomi
Kitsu Okura
Iuchi Shahai
I am dying to see Kuni Yori. He is one of my favorite characters.
1 hour ago, Togashi Gao Shan said:
Mirumoto Satsu is already dead in this story. Granted, the Dragon story didn't state the name of her dead brother, only that he had died. I suppose they could have Daini be dead instead of Satsu, and / or say it was someone other than Hida Yakamo that killed him, but I rather doubt it.
Well, being dead doesn't prevent anyone from getting a card. Hida Tomonatsu is a good example of that.
2 hours ago, Ser Nakata said:Well, being dead doesn't prevent anyone from getting a card. Hida Tomonatsu is a good example of that.
Yeah, but she died right as the story starts. I doubt we'll see people who died well before the timeline this game is currently starting in. So, probably no Doji Satsume, for example.
17 minutes ago, Togashi Gao Shan said:Yeah, but she died right as the story starts. I doubt we'll see people who died well before the timeline this game is currently starting in. So, probably no Doji Satsume, for example.
Well, technically he seems to have died right before the story starts...maybe we'll see Doji Satsume's Spirit? Assuming there was in fact something shady about his death...although he seems like the type to haunt people just to be a jerk.
Why not? They will probably release at some point Deluxe boxes or cycles about particular events from the past. Or alternate timelines. It happened with the CCG, it could very well happen with the LCG.
Why not? They will probably release at some point Deluxe boxes or cycles about particular events from the past. Or alternate timelines. It happened with the CCG, it could very well happen with the LCG.
We have seen an image of Ide Tadaji for one of the stories and it's an Imperial cycle so... Ide Tadaji for Unicorn. Mighty Power, non cavalry, Courtier.
I'd prefer Kamoko but good old Tadaji would be ok too.
2 hours ago, Wintersong said:We have seen an image of Ide Tadaji for one of the stories and it's an Imperial cycle so... Ide Tadaji for Unicorn. Mighty Power, non cavalry, Courtier.
I'd prefer Kamoko but good old Tadaji would be ok too.
That is a good guess as well. I missed that.
12 hours ago, Togashi Gao Shan said:To be more blunt:
Hitomi went coo-coo for Koku-puffs. Not entirely her fault, but still, being so consumed by revenge probably made her more susceptible to the dark influences the Obsidian hand opened her to. Kokujin was behind much of the evil that was done during the 'purge' and subsequent events, but Hitomi bears responsibility for allowing it to happen. She did redeem herself (killing Lord Moon and all that) and even found an kind of acceptance regarding Yakamo.
Yakamo was also a villain. He and his daddy Kisada were villains right at the beginning of the story. They did Vey Bad Things. Yakamo also redeemed himself. Kisada...eh. Let's just say that I like this game's version of Kisada a lot more so far and leave it at that.
In any case, I loved how perfectly the Hitomi and Yakamo character arcs turned out. Having them become the Moon and the Sun fit beautifully. I was incredibly aggravated with how casually later writers disposed of them (Lord Sun Yakamo got maybe a paragraph; Hitomi got even less).
I'm not gonna pretend we weren't villains in the beginning of the old game. We were totally villains. I don't mind if we go toward a rebellious arc again in this time line. I just hope it makes more sense this time around. I love Kisada, but he was not written well at all early in the old game's story. My big hope is they tell a much better story for the Crab clan this go around. I'm not saying we always have to be heroes, but everyone is a hero in their own story. The Crab clan's motivation should more or less make sense from their perspective.
9 hours ago, phillos said:I'm not gonna pretend we weren't villains in the beginning of the old game. We were totally villains. I don't mind if we go toward a rebellious arc again in this time line. I just hope it makes more sense this time around. I love Kisada, but he was not written well at all early in the old game's story. My big hope is they tell a much better story for the Crab clan this go around. I'm not saying we always have to be heroes, but everyone is a hero in their own story. The Crab clan's motivation should more or less make sense from their perspective.
As much as I love most all of the original Clan War (and Scorpion Clan Coup) story and characters a lot more than the majority of what came afterwards, Kisada didn't seem written well for me. When Kuni Yori tried to convince him to "use" their eternal foe and march with Shadowlands creatures against people of the Empire, Kisada should have snapped Yori's traitorous neck right then and there. At the very least, once Kisada's son Sukune was friggin crucified on a dark war banner of Fu Leng, Kisada should have stopped the whole thing and torn Yori in half.
I guess what I'm saying is: Kisada should have killed Yori. In a very direct and brutal way.
On 10/25/2017 at 2:25 PM, JJ48 said:Will Neutral get a 5-cost, too? If so, I want Tsuruchi! (Though I expect Captain Yellowtoto will probably come out, first).
I would love to see Dairya as the 5-cost neutral and Ginawa as a 3-cost
Well, if there's a 5-cost neutral, it'll probably be Seppun Ishikawa. It's the Imperial cycle, afterall.
21 minutes ago, Ser Nakata said:Well, if there's a 5-cost neutral, it'll probably be Seppun Ishikawa. It's the Imperial cycle, afterall.
Well, except he was already revealed as a 3-coster. Nice ability and flavor text though, he gets +1/+1 for each other Imperial card you control, and his flavor text suggests he's got some beef with Toturi.
ADD: Probably means nothing right now, but I found it interesting that his ability text is worded "Imperial card" rather than "Imperial Character"...although it would suggest that if you have an Imperial Storehouse face up in a province, it counts towards his ability.
Edited by Zesu ShadabanYoritomo?
1 minute ago, Fumo said:Yoritomo?
As much as I want to see the Mantis back, I don't think his place is in the Imperial cycle.
Maybe we won't see a 5-cost Neutral guy.
I think the 5-cost characters help define a deck's theme. With Isawa Kaede, she supports the shugenja theme for the Phoenix. With Kakita Yoshi, he supports the courtier theme for the Crane. Its quite clear that Tsukune and Kaede fill different roles, as does Hotaru and Yoshi. Alternatively, the new 5-cost characters could support the conflict type the clan otherwise is not focused on but that's doubtful and may be used in a future cycle. So, looking forward, here are some of my ideas for the remaining clans:
Crab: Yasuki Taka
Crab could benefit from something that steers away from their sacrifice theme. I would suggest Taka, who would fill a courtier roll and possibly push a dishonor theme.
Dragon: Mirumoto Masashige
Ideally, Masashige would strengthen the attachment theme for the Dragon which Yokuni does not interact with.
Lion: Matsu Tsuko
While Toturi helps you win MORE in military, I think Tsuko could serve to help you win your military conflicts period.
Scorpion: Bayushi Kachiko
I think the popular vote would be for Bayushi Kachiko. Already, Bayushi Shoju is one of the deadliest characters in the Scorpion's portfolio. What could she do? I'm thinking she could have the Imperial keyword similar to Yoshi and use the Imperial Favor in a new way.
Unicorn: Ide Tadaji
I'm not experienced enough with Unicorn, but I hear they are good politically. Tadaji would serve well to support the political conflict.
Looks like my Yasuki Taka guess was on point. It supports the sacrifice theme though.
On 27/10/2017 at 7:40 AM, kpsmith said:I think the 5-cost characters help define a deck's theme. With Isawa Kaede, she supports the shugenja theme for the Phoenix. With Kakita Yoshi, he supports the courtier theme for the Crane. Its quite clear that Tsukune and Kaede fill different roles, as does Hotaru and Yoshi. Alternatively, the new 5-cost characters could support the conflict type the clan otherwise is not focused on but that's doubtful and may be used in a future cycle. So, looking forward, here are some of my ideas for the remaining clans:
Lion: Matsu Tsuko
While Toturi helps you win MORE in military, I think Tsuko could serve to help you win your military conflicts period.
Good shoot on Taka!
It seems Tsuko will be the most likely name for Lion, if not her maybe Kitsu Okura for the "ancestors - discard piles" theme.
I'm wondering what's gonna be Tsuko's ability, to be different than Toturi, I see this themes:
1 - Honor - Maybe gain X honor afer winning a MIL conflict.
2 - "Revenge" - Like Vengefull Oathkeeper and Eiji, an reaction "after you loose a conflict... (maybe remove fate / discard a attacker)
I wouldn't mind a Tsuko with some kind of penalty (something akin to the Obstinate Recruit, although not that harsh) together with awesome stats (and the Honored General "entering honoured" thing ?).
Edited by Shinjo Tegiadditional thoughts
11 minutes ago, L5RBr said:Good shoot on Taka!
It seems Tsuko will be the most likely name for Lion, if not her maybe Kitsu Okura for the "ancestors - discard piles" theme.
I'm wondering what's gonna be Tsuko's ability, to be different than Toturi, I see this themes:
1 - Honor - Maybe gain X honor afer winning a MIL conflict.
2 - "Revenge" - Like Vengefull Oathkeeper and Eiji, an reaction "after you loose a conflict... (maybe remove fate / discard a attacker)
"Reaction: After Toturi Gets discarded - Put Tsuko into play with 2 fate on her."
While not a 5-cost, Ide Tadaji was on my list too!
The thing is, Tadaji seems the most "imperial" character out of the current known cast (with the exception of perhaps Shahai) and he's a daimyo which is similar rank to other 5-costers. I have to wonder if he's just what Unicorn gets, and FFG decided to make him a different cost to continue the theme of "Unicorn is different".