Once again, I am disappointed with FFG's response to an actual issue that will most certainly arise in competitive play...
The games already take an insane amount of time to finish, and I don't think anyone is talking nearly enough about the fact that we have to use counters to track honor according to the competitive play rules.
Not allowing Pen/Paper is an absolute death knell for competitive environments:
You constantly have to count you and your opponent's honor and this takes up SO MUCH TIME
- The modified win clause already hurts, things like this make it worse
- There are so many non-card components involved in this game already, the board state looks much closer to a board game than a card game
Like in other games, I think both players should be responsible for tracking EACH player's honor. There is really no other way to keep the integrity of the game in a competitive environment.
What I've heard in the past, like with Star Wars Destiny, FFG wants their components to be used, but when it comes to competitive play, this just doesn't make sense and seems like a stubborn move.
Does anyone have any better insight into this? Most local event organizer's I have spoken too are already deciding that they will be allowing pen/paper. There should be a community outcry from competitive players for this.