2 minutes ago, Evilgm said:Because you have a track of each gain and loss, rather than just the current totals. You can immediately see the point where one player has a gain or loss and the other doesn't. Even if only one player is writing it down, you can go back and check they have each gain and loss correctly noted down if the players have a different total.
This isn't supposition and theory, this is years of playing Dishonour decks and knowing the importance of tracking a mechanic that most players don't really pay attention to in most games. It's not like life totals in Magic or even Skill totals in battles- those are important in every matchup so players are used to tracking them. Honour only matters when one player is trying to win with it, or specific cards refer to it, so most players add or remove their tokens after the bid phase or playing Banzai! and don't give it a second thought.
To be fair, honor totals in the LCG are far more important to all players than they were in the CCG. You can't ignore them like you did in the old game, and then have it never change (or "Oh hey I gained 6 honor for winning this opposed battle didn't I") for a majority of decks. So its more like magic life totals than anything in the LCG.