2 wookies and Braylen, a report from the UKTC last week

By nurglez, in X-Wing Battle Reports

copied from my blog.

A Stressful Time (Leaving Your Comfort Zone: Part Two)

The UKTC is an awesome event, and this year saw 52 teams compete. As I mentioned in my previous post , this was to be my third, and I had picked Rebels, despite having the least experience with this faction.

I brought this along, having gone 7–1 in practice games.

ARC-170 Braylen Stramm (25)
Gunner (5)
R3-A2 (2)
Alliance Overhaul (0)
Ship Total: 32

Auzituck Gunship Lowhhrick (28)
Lightning Reflexes (1)
Tactician (2)
Gunner (5)
Ship Total: 36

Auzituck Gunship Wookiee Liberator (26)
Lightning Reflexes (1)
Tactician (2)
Operations Specialist (3)
Ship Total: 32


Due to the nature of the UKTC, there were some rounds where we got to pick our match ups, and some we didn’t. This format allows a break away from a potentially meta-heavy day.

Round One Scum Mark Evans, Tricked out Accublaster Nym, Quin Jast with Cruise Missiles and Palob with TLT.

We deployed in opposite corners, and I swung my ships round while Nym came in hot, unfortunately for my opponent I slowed down so Nym ended up at range 2 of my list. The following pictures will accurately explain what happened next.


Now you see Nym.


Now you dont.

After this it was a simple mop up, handing out stress then nuking down action-less ships.

100–0 (Team win as Pete Wood also won his, while Tom Duncan was late therefore auto lost his match).

Round Two Scum flown by Chris Stokes Asajj (without latts), Fenn and Terroch. My opponent had been thrown under the bus!

This was always going to be an uphill battle for my opponent, and once I started stressing his list out a win was never in doubt. I took out the Fangs, then went for Asajj, who folded pretty quickly.

100–0 (Team loss, as Pete and Tom lost theirs as we had paired up wrongly and got out flown).


Stress everywhere!

Round Three Imperial, Lee Dalton flying Double Decimators. A tricked out Daredevil Oicunn and Patrol Leader with Vader. Neither Tom nor Pete fancied chewing through all that hull with their lists.

Lee set up for the joust, and I obliged, diving in headlong on Oicunn. He managed to get one daredevil ram off on Lowhhrick, then my list was behind him. Poor Lowhhrick died, however Oicunn had 4 stress at this point and only survived a few more turns, then the patrol leader followed soon after.

100–36 (Team win, Pete won his while Tom finally won a game!)


Stress everywhere again, this is becoming a habit

Round four saw me face off against the mighty Oliver Pocknell , fellow 186th, flying as part of 186th Green Squadron . He was flying VI Dash and Intensity Poe.

I flew up the left hand side then turned into the middle, while Oli flew Dash down the opposite side to try and flank alongside my board edge, my ships were taking a battering and only managing to apply a stress every now and again thanks to Dash barrel rolling around. I managed to double stress Dash after taking him out over the next 2 turns, but losing Lowhhrick. Poe followed soon after.

100–36 (Team win, Pete won again while Tom lost)


Pinning down Dash

Round Five saw me take on Scum again, Danny Anderson with Telgar.

We engaged in the middle after turning in, however the first engagement saw Dengar in range one of all my ships, letting me only put one stress on him whilst my Liberator took a pounding. The next turn I proved how awesome Lightning Reflexes can be, trapping Dengar in a stressful situation. I then managed to stress out Tel and get behind him, while losing the Liberator.


100–32 (Team win, Pete and Tom won theirs)


Exhibit A


Exhibit B

Round six and I was facing Jon Easter ’s Imperials, Palp Yorr, expertise QD and OL.

I set up to take down Yorr, and he sent Yorr towards me, while QD and OL flanked me. OL ended up outside of range two of Yorr, so I took this opportunity to double stress him, however I ended up fixating on piling the stress on Yorr so he couldn’t use his ability, where I should have just burned him down (which also stops a ships ability from working, DUH). I managed to take out Yorr and OL, however QD then finished off a 3 hull Lowhhrick and a 3 hull Liberator in a single round, leaving a 2 hull Braylen vs a 2 hull QD, Qd came out on top.

61-100 (Team win, both Pete and Tom won).


Myself and Pete had gone 5–1, while Tom had gone 3–2 (plus his round one autoloss), while our team had gone 5–1 too!

As the top 3 are called out we came 2nd! behind the mighty Warlords who went undefeated. We won some very shiny Cog’o’two template holders, but I was very happy as I’d had 6 enjoyable games of X-Wing, and got to catch up with loads of players that I hadn’t seen in ages.


The three amigos of Team 186th Silly squadron


Keep an eye out for the next UKTC, as its a great format, and a great time.

Edited by nurglez

Well done, sir. Do you ever lose Lowhhrick right off the bat to high ps alpha, or is that just a matter of the correct approach?

Lightning Reflexes - that's brilliant!

Ive only had a few games vs high ps cruise missiles. And its all about the approach. 2-3 cruise will destroy one of your ships if you arent careful.

If you can manage to stress them all out and then lose a ship. Its touch and go. But still possible.

Nice list!

It does feel like a decent counter to most lists, as long as it's flown well.

It's really refreshing to fly ships without turrets, or the option to barrel roll or boost, but the extended arcs on the ships really makes up for it :D

On 10/24/2017 at 11:41 PM, Parakitor said:

Lightning Reflexes - that's brilliant!

It's a natural fit - the nightmare scenario for a wookie gunship is someone getting behind you and having a K-turn - or better yet a segnor - up your sleeve can recover a game, especially with the ability to stress your opponent into the bargain...

I remember it coming up in discussions with out local Wookie enthusiast.

The beauty of lighting reflexes in this list. Is it combined with multiple stress and the 180 arc.

Stress them out. LR behind them or to the side. And keep shooting them as they cant turn around. Its very hard to escape the 180 arc without any actions.

On 10/24/2017 at 4:55 AM, nurglez said:

Noooo!!! That poor Raider! :(

Nice report! Very fun games, well written, good pictures! Nice to see these low-agility Rebel tanks flown without Biggs! :)

Heres a picture of his list found on the internet.

Yes its very satisfying flying a tanky rebel list without biggs. Its also strangely nostalgic flying ships that cant reposition after they move (apart from a one use card on two of them).

I've come to realise that stress is a real NPE at times. When your expensive ship cant use any of the tricks you paid for. But its yet another piece of the puzzle in the ever evolving meta.


On 11/3/2017 at 9:17 PM, nurglez said:

I've come to realise that stress is a real NPE at times. When your expensive ship cant use any of the tricks you paid for. But its yet another piece of the puzzle in the ever evolving meta.

It's the same reason R3-A2 is a thing on Arcs and X-wings, I guess, or the Kylo Ren's Shuttle title:

One of the best ways to 'make your dial better' is to make your opponent's dial worse.

Not only does stress shut down their dial. But its hard to focus fire or deal reliable damage to reinforced ships without actions.

I've been flying this quite a bit recently (shocking i know) and im roughly 15-4 with it. But still havent managed to take it to a standard event yet (work is busy on weekends til the end of the year :( ).

Deadeye harpoons are certainly scary. And require a good approch and some luck (played vs triple harpoons and i dodged one of them). However only lowhhricks ability needs r1. So i can spread out my approach as long as im r2 of the liberator.

Edited by nurglez

Great write up and an enjoyable read. Well done on placing so well.


It was a team effort. Which is why i love the UKTC format (having attended all three so far) :D .

Will attend my first standard tournament in awhile in a few weeks. So we shall see how this list does then.

I flew this list three times and went 3-0. I like the wookie ship and tried to feel out a way to make it better. The lightning reflexes are huge.

It is very well thought out and well done.

Stealing the crap out of this list. Stress control is my jam.