Support Needed!!!!!!!!!!

By PBnJ, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So with the addtion of Sea of Blood, we now have two Mighty campian option types to play. I'm alittle suprized that with addtion of Tomb of Ice, They did not add a OL avatar based on one of the minis in it. It would have been easy to add the Avatar state card it's personal power/upgrades and maybe even 1 LT. type. Also they could have added a plot story based around the theam argo. (Next ice age plot.)

With this said, PLEASE support this post in the idea that FFG make a small expansion box (like Arkham horror style) with just plot cards, quests, rumors, and an avatar that focuses on a monster that each of the set came out with. So you have WoD, AoD, ToI,. that 3 avatars, 3 LT, 3 plots, some quests, encounter, rumors, Avatar upgrades, and a small map book ( the size of their catolog book would work well.) that it. Come ON! they could call it Road to Blood or SEA of LEGENDS! aplauso.gif angel.gif aplauso.gif

Yes, I know Some of us only have vanilla descent. But it looks to me that in time a good 90-95% of us end up grabbing the nxt expan. which is why we see so many post as which is the nxt best set to buy.

The more we add the more FFG will notice. gran_risa.gif

I'll second that this is a great idea. However most of FFG seems to look at the forums as a place for their customers to get together. I can count on one hand the number of times I remember an FFG employee speak up on this forum. You might be better off getting an email campaign going.

i am for this too, but i wood also like it if they put additional heroes out in the same fashion. or have more outdoor encouters


Since the Sea of Blood campaign map is essentially identical to that of the Runebound expansion, "Isle of Dread", I would expect that further advanced campaigns with maps similiar to Runebound's "Frozen Wastes" and "Sands of Al-Kalim" might be forthcoming in time. Frozen Wastes would provide great material for "Tomb of Ice" avatars. I suspect we need a 4th vanilla descent expansion for the desert expansion before an advanced campaign set there.

I'd say the Runebound game series provides a good forecast of where "Descent" is headed. It lets us know there is more material yet to be added!

I actually thought they were going this direction with the free plot cards they had been posting, but since that fizzled out who knows. But I do agree with what Chernobyl and turning Frozen Wastes into an advanced campaign.

Is this something you are working on, Remy?

Acolyte Rivan said:

Is this something you are working on, Remy?

Sadly no, I need to get back on working on my module now that SoB has come out and changed how I'm thinking about it.

Love the idea, but the cynic in me says support for past expansions has been lamentably rare in the games (however even the dungeon and encounters in tomb of ice was a welcome addition), and I have a feeling this will continue. FFG has, however, been good at coming out with expansions fairly regularly, if not coming out with any support for said expansions, so I remain hopeful that there will be additional materials, if not in the form or ammount we wish.

My hope is that they will support the three expansions and put something like this out there to add to the campaign(s).

Then after that they will just add the avatar, LT, rumors, and stuff to each expansion that come out.

Boy! A Al-Kalim vanilla would be great. I could see thief, hydras, salamanders, scarabs maybe. But I am getting ahead of myself.

1st things 1st. the countinued support of the small $25.00 (AH style) card only expansion for Descent. Don't forget this is how 'list of unanswerd ?" started and it became noticed with enough support. Ofcouse their still unanswerd ?'s but that beside the point. enfadado.gif