Taking All Bets - Next Clan Roles

By Duciris, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Worlds starts next week, which role do you think each clan will/should take?


Seeker Void or Keeper Air (if available); then probably Keeper almost anything if not available?

I think Scorpion best benefit from a Seeker role. The extra fate can help with conflict cards, and Seeker is more likely to give fate than Keeper.


It really depends what new provinces and cards that synergies with it we get. Right now, I think it will look like this:


Kitsuki Yaruma, Pathfinder's Blade and The Stone of Sorrows (and the weak Northern Wall Sensei) makes Seeker Role a really strong alternative to the very strong Keeper Initiates. Kitsuki Yaruma needs flip provinces, which seems like a trap right now, but maybe there will be strong flip provinces in the future. With Talisman of the Sun and High Kick, a Keeper Role could be also very powerfull, especially if you consider that Unicorn is one of the best splashes right now for Dragon. Right now Seeker of the Void would be my prefered role.

Backhand Compliment is really strong and splashing for Unicorn for Talisman of the Sun, Iuchi Wayfinder and Spyglasses also seem very strong. My prefered role is Keeper of the Void, but all Keeper Roles are viable.

Talisman of the Sun is pretty badass and Chasing the Sun pretty weak (right now). My prefered role would be Keeper of Fire, but all Keeper roles seem plausible.

I personally think that Phoenix will try to get Seeker of Void, because of Kuroi Mori. Guard Duty and Talisman of the Sun look pretty strong for Phoenix, but having no attachment and event hate is pretty harsh.

I don't really know, because I don't play them. Similar problem to phoenix, but the market looks really dope (if you see it).

I personally think that any Keeper Role would be the way to go. The spoiled cards don't have particular synergy with the current Lion playstyle, but the Keeper Initiates are really good.

I think that the role will be really important to the clan. A seeker role will probably lead to a combo oriented playstyle with Test of Skill and Yoshi and Keeper will probably result in a more tempo/control direction.

3 hours ago, Tokhuah said:


Sorry T............I don't think you're ready for this jelly.

1 hour ago, Ignithas said:

I personally think that Phoenix will try to get Seeker of Void, because of Kuroi Mori. Guard Duty and Talisman of the Sun look pretty strong for Phoenix, but having no attachment and event hate is pretty harsh.

The funny thing is, that's the one role Phoenix CAN'T pick because we picked it at Gen Con. Most likely you'll see Phoenix picking a Keeper role, probably for Fire or Void if possible, maybe Air. The thus far revealed cards from the Imperial Cycle have some good picks for Phoenix. Guard Duty is especially helpful considering the defensive strategies Phoenix is partially geared towards, and the fact that we already have issues with getting bodies honored. Potentially losing Shameful Display (assuming it's dropped in favor of Kuroi Mori for a Void province) makes it all the more important to get easy honoring options.

14 minutes ago, Zesu Shadaban said:

The funny thing is, that's the one role Phoenix CAN'T pick because we picked it at Gen Con. Most likely you'll see Phoenix picking a Keeper role, probably for Fire or Void if possible, maybe Air. The thus far revealed cards from the Imperial Cycle have some good picks for Phoenix. Guard Duty is especially helpful considering the defensive strategies Phoenix is partially geared towards, and the fact that we already have issues with getting bodies honored. Potentially losing Shameful Display (assuming it's dropped in favor of Kuroi Mori for a Void province) makes it all the more important to get easy honoring options.

I personally don't understand the system right now. Every clan can take another role, but it is bound to elemental points. Furthermore I heard somewhere that the current world championship doesn't have the rule, that you have to use another role. I think that Guard Duty was made for Phoenix, but there Need to be more cards to make Phoenix/Lion work.

I would like Lion to have a Keeper Role - Guard Duty looks nice for the honor, preventing the defending character from being bowed from a Dragon character, and allows my defending courtier to get a boost. I can see the card being useful for those who splash Crane and want to run Voice of Honor.

That said, I would like to see Keeper of Air or Fire.

Scorpion had better be Keeper of Something. If I can't play Backhanded Compliment I will be quite dissapointed.

I think scorpion is well served from both options, keeper to make strong dishonor decks and seeker to get the fate as they are already doing.

For Lion depends of the winner playstyle, I like the more offensive decks, so I expect a seeker role, but if the winner like the honor theme maybe he will choose keeper again.

Crane seems to make better use from keeper roles now.

Crab keeper of earth maybe..

Anyway, it will depend more on the order of choice too, seeker of air, keeper and seeker of void and keeper of water should be the firsts to be taken..

Personal opinion:

- Scorpion needs to pick keeper of anything. Even if the top scorpion player isn't playing dishonor scorpion, too much of the Scorpion fanboys will be PISSED if that's taken off the table for them.

- Phoenix also needs to be keeper of anything. This is mainly due to the imbalance of power of their two cards. Harmonize is absurdly powerful and Five Flames is meh at best. Going keeper also lets them splash in either the Lion keeper card or the Crane keeper card which would both be great options for their defensive playstyle. Really hard to see a situation where a Phoenix player picks anything else. Especially because Seeker of Void is off the table.

-Crab probably wants to also be keeper of anything. They are mostly defensive and would gain access to insane defensive cards if they go keeper. Keepers are also great sacrifice fodder. Their priority of getting a keeper role isn't as high as Scorpion or Phoenix though. Simple reason is that Pathfinder's Blade is really good. So as much as players would love to splash in Talisman, Disdainful Remark, or Harmonize I think they'll be okay with playing the Blade too.

-Lion can go either way. Aggro players want Seeker to have access to Pathfinder's Blade. Honor players want access to guard duty. Less people are probably pissed if they go keeper, but odds are that the top Lion player will be an aggro player and want access to the blade.

-Crane probably want to be a keeper just because their keeper card is tier 1 and their seeker card is garbage. Similar situation to Phoenix. But because they can be either offensive or defensive I don't think the role really matters for them. They don't desperately need to splash any card from other factions. Odds are they pick their role based on the element. Like they would rather be a keeper over a seeker. But they also want to be void/water/fire over earth/air. I would wager Seeker of Void ranks higher than Keeper of Earth for most Crane players.

-Dragon can't lose here. They get terrific options regardless of which role they choose. Personally I would choose Seeker because I want access to the Pathfinder's Blade for Nitan Master, I want the role which synergizes with the new Dragon personality that flips provinces, and I want the stone. But Keepers have crazy strong cards too. Talisman with the Dragon province is the nuts turn 1 if your opponent bids 5.

- Unicorn can't win here. They suck right now and if they get cards in the upcoming cycle to make them competitive we don't know whether that playstyle would prefer keeper or seeker. Whoever picks is 50/50 to guess wrong. Guy who picks is also almost certain to be picking 7th. How many options are even going to be there?

7 hours ago, kiramode said:

- Unicorn can't win here. They suck right now and if they get cards in the upcoming cycle to make them competitive we don't know whether that playstyle would prefer keeper or seeker. Whoever picks is 50/50 to guess wrong. Guy who picks is also almost certain to be picking 7th. How many options are even going to be there?

Talisman of the Sun is brilliant while Chasing the Sun is pure garbage. That's enough to decide it for Unicorn.

Crab will go with whatever keeper role is left. Ideally, if they're 4th, the choice isn't between Air and Water because being forced to take Keeper of Water would be a bit of a bummer. If they are 5th through 7th and 4 keepers have already been selected first I'd weep. But then I'd take either Seeker of the Void or, if that isn't available either, Seeker of Air. If 4 keepers, Seeker of Air and Void are all taken, I'd take Seeker of...Earth? I guess. That would mean we were 7th and just got absolutely destroyed so that would be its own problem. For Crab it isn't even about the Seeker/keeper cards. It's all about that monk.

I could see Dragon wanting Seeker of Fire as well. Seeker gives them access to more weapons from Crab or recurring weapons with Lion as well.

Lion may want Keeper of Air, but they'd probably be fine with just about any keeper to be honest. That Guard Duty is wonderful, granted Lion aren't always thrilled about defending.

Phoenix I'm not so sure. They got their ideal role at Gencon, so everything else is just disappointing in comparison. My instinct is they would just take a keeper role, as the influence helps a lot and their seeker of choice is not available to them. Plus, their seeker card is really bad.

I've heard people say Unicorn may want to go Seeker of Water so they can run Rally as well as Endless Plains but I don't know if I agree with that. They would probably want Keeper simply because their keeper card is trash. Unfortunately, they are probably destined for 6th or 7th, leaving their choice to the other clans, for the most part.

Crane is anyone's guess. Seeker of Void and Air are obviously both great. I'm not convinced that their keeper card is as great as some people think and being able to draw 2 events from the top 4 is objectively a good card.

Scorpion is a curious case because, going off of just their keeper/seeker cards, they'd want to be keeper, Seeker of Void is a very good choice as well.

If I were to make a wild guess, at the end of the day, the 7 roles will be:

Scorpion 1st Keeper of Air or Fire. They could theoretically go Seeker of Void for the Shameful.Pilgrimage combo, but that dishonor possibility may be too tantalizing.

Crane 2nd Seeker of Air or Void. Maybe Keeper of Fire if they like that province strength card (province strength being, essentially, the weakest stat in the entire game.)

Lion 3rd Keeper of Air or Fire. Maybe Seeker of Void/Air if still available.

Crab 4th Keeper of Earth or Void.

Dragon 5th Seeker of Fire

Phoenix 6th Keeper of Void or Fire, if available. If not then...whatever Keeper is left I guess. If no Keepers are available, they could go Seeker of Air.

Unicorn 7th Seeker of Water (they wish they could get a keeper for that sweet sweet talisman...), if Lion goes Seeker instead of Keeper, they could snag Keeper of Air or Water and be pretty happy about it.

This all, of course, could change if the imperial cycle is revealed/being sold at Worlds and people can get a peek at the future provinces coming out.

Edited by Joe From Cincinnati
8 hours ago, Joe From Cincinnati said:

Lion may want Keeper of Air, but they'd probably be fine with just about any keeper to be honest. That Guard Duty is wonderful, granted Lion aren't always thrilled about defending.

I'll be fine if Lion gets keeper again more because the uni attach and 3 influence..

Guard duty is a promise to Lion, cause right now we have low glory chars, the best target I see is Beiona, cause toturi is too usefull in attack and ikoma eiji costs too much. Now is a 1 cost attach to get +1 or +2 stats. It can fit better in a honor deck, but with the bid mechanic, to have a decent honor deck we will need card-draw, like the dishonor decks, the Lion province is not enought since our opponents may choose not braking it..

59 minutes ago, L5RBr said:

I'll be fine if Lion gets keeper again more because the uni attach and 3 influence..

Guard duty is a promise to Lion, cause right now we have low glory chars, the best target I see is Beiona, cause toturi is too usefull in attack and ikoma eiji costs too much. Now is a 1 cost attach to get +1 or +2 stats. It can fit better in a honor deck, but with the bid mechanic, to have a decent honor deck we will need card-draw, like the dishonor decks, the Lion province is not enought since our opponents may choose not braking it..

Let's be honest, Guard Duty is really a Phoenix card disguised as a Lion card. ^_^

I'm pulling for Dragon to claim the Seeker of Water. With the Stone of Sorrows , spending fate to rings gets really beneficial because it loses the cost of your opponent gaining those resources. Plus, Seeker of Enlightenment gets scary fast.

With Kitsuki Yaruma , " Reaction: When this character enters play, choose an unbroken province – turn that province facedown." having 2 water provinces would be very nice. Both core neutral provinces are powerful, Rally to the Cause " Reaction: After this province is revealed – switch the conflict type. (The conflict retains its element.) " often prevents an opposing victory, and Elemental Fury "Reaction: After this province is revealed – switch the contested ring with an unclaimed ring. (The conflict retains its type.) " upsets their plans. Similarly, our own Restoration of Balance " Reaction: After this province is revealed – your opponent chooses and discards cards from his or her hand until that player has 4 or fewer cards in hand." only gets triggered once per game (if that). Yaruma opens the possibilities to doing any one of them twice.

Phoenix really wants either Keeper of Fire, then any Keeper role, then any Seeker role that isn't air.

Its the choice of getting access to really powerful cards on the Keeper side and opening diversity in deck construction or a much more stable early economy on the Seeker side.

Both are powerful and good, I wouldn't be upset really at any role as long as it isn't Seeker of air. I like the 75% chance of flipping me money vs the 50% chance seeker of air gives, even if the payout is better.

Keeper roles seem to be the best pick as they have the most impacful card(s) for the future meta game. Very few clans benefit enough from a seeker role to justify the selection of a seeker role over keeper.

Hopefully there will be some players that actively try to deny roles from other clans or that pick bad roles for strong clans on purpose.

I want total chaos for role selection because this forum doesn't have enough complaints threads about clan roles.

Edited by Ishi Tonu