I understand the L5R seemingly is an LCG that follows a different mold compared to other FFG LCGs. I also understand there's a possibility that a set rotation will be implemented in the future, as nebulous as it is. Just for comparison sake, what is/was the usable lifespan of each pack in the other LCGs? What is currently proposed in Netrunner or was proposed in Conquest?
Set Rotations
Netrunner just underwent rotation. It's been out for 5 years. See also the FFG products page to get an idea of product volume.
So it seems that the packs cycles are usable for 3-3.5 years by my estimation, is this right?
Each arc is 6 packs. They also release deluxe box. Normally , each arc takes 6 months to release, and then they release a deluxe box (which is twice the cards @ twice the price) and then that takes up 2 months. Normally.
When the first pack of the 9th arc releases, then they phase out the first 2 arcs. Without deluxe boxes, that's a maximum of 4 years (with the packs that come out later being out less time, as much as a year) that a pack is out. Deluxe boxes add time to that equation, and I'm not sure that they are phased out - and if so, when.
I believe, that L5R is a typical LCG format game. I think they're just rushing the first six packs (well, 2nd-6th packs) to be out early for Tournaments. I expect that we'll then wait six months before any further releases. I could be wrong.
I'm hoping it would be 3+ years, which is conservative compared to other card games on the market. Despite the better price model, I have some friends that would hate something cycling out in less than 2 years.
It might be the same case here but anything can change at any time.
The rotation schedule is tied to releases, not time (because there isn't a precise schedule for releases). The rotation kicks in when there are 7 full cycles and a pack opens the next cycle (it's the same for every active non-coop LCG). At that point, the oldest 2 cycles are rotated out. If a pack was released every month, a pack would stay legal between 31 (a little over 2.5 years) and 42 months (3.5 years). Because of deluxes and delays, you can assume the actual durations will be longer.
@Duciris Deluxes aren't tied to cycles anymore (except in coop games where they still head the cycles): they come out when they're ready, and that can be faster than 1 every cycle (in AGoT2, the 4th deluxe is about to come out before the 3rd cycle begins). Also, deluxes don't rotate out.