Casual format: HCA (Highlander Chaotic Alliances)

By Ishi Tonu, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

I thought I'd take a small break from competitive focused play and try something casual. My friends who bought the game for mostly casual play were looking for something that allowed them a little more flexibility in deck building with a single core.

Here is what I suggested:


No more than one copy of any card, including neutrals.

Only one Clan Champion per deck however, the champion cannot be of the same clan as the stronghold you choose.

You may choose any keeper or Seeker role you like.

You may include provinces, characters, holdings, events, and attachments (including 'Way of' cards) from both of the clans that match the clan of your stronghold and clan champion.

Influence cost is ignored for the cards that match the clan of your stronghold and clan champion.

When selecting cards for influence you make include cards from all other clans that do not match the clan of your clan champion or stronghold.


You can also run this a a quick 2 person draft format.

Player 1 gets first stronghold pick

Player 2 gets first Champion pick (cannot select the Champion that matches the clan of the stronghold selected by player 1)

Player 2 selects their stronghold

Player 1 selects their Champion (cannot select the Champion that matches the clan of the stronghold selected by player 2)

Both players take the cards from the clans of their selected stronghold and clan champion.

Player 1 gets first pick of seeker and keeper roles

Player 2 gets first pick of influence splash cards from the remaining 3 in selected clans.

Players take turns picking conflict cards until all remaining conflict cards are selected.

Each player takes 1 copy of all neutral cards.

Build decks and play

Edited by Ishi Tonu

I like this idea! Ill try to get my friends to do this, it sounds fun!

On 10/22/2017 at 2:08 PM, Ishi Tonu said:

You can also run this a a quick 2 person draft format.

I found your post searching for 'draft'. Have you had any more thoughts on the subject? Perhaps in some way simulating random booster packs?

I hadn't really come up with a draft idea. While I enjoy drafting it's somewhat difficult to dial in how clans would be handled when people can hate draft. And a single core doesn't support as many people as I would like for a traditional draft. It can be done, but, ultimately you end up with 2 people per box picking cards and I think I just want to get to playing so drafting a stronghold/champion and the entire clan that goes with it, just speeds up the process.