So I am trying to branch away from HB ETF, this is my first try for a different HB deck. Any and all advice would be helpful.
I only have the one Project Vitruvius from the championship deck currently will be making changes when the revised hits the shelves. Trying for a fast no advance deck.
NEXT Design: Guarding the Net
-- agenda (9 cards)
2 Advanced Concept Hopper
2 Corporate Sales Team
2 Elective Upgrade
1 Project Vitruvius
2 Successful Field Test
-- asset (10 cards)
3 Adonis Campaign
2 Advanced Assembly Lines
3 Jeeves Model Bioroids
2 Marilyn Campaign
-- ice (18 cards)
2 Architect
2 Caduceus
2 Fairchild 3.0
2 Rototurret
2 Seidr Adaptive Barrier
2 Tollbooth
2 Turing
2 Vanilla
2 Wall of Static
-- operation (8 cards)
3 Biotic Labor
3 Hedge Fund
2 Preemptive Action
-- upgrade (4 cards)
2 Ash 2X3ZB9CY
2 Surat City Grid