As most of you know, and for the benefit of those who do not, MTG and old L5R (note that people I know still play the old AEG version) have cycles in which cards are declared non-standard but would still be retained in other formats, example modern, commander, legacy, ect. I think that in the future FFG will probably implement a similar concept in the future, provided that it lasts a long time, and hopefully it will.
Here's what I expect, my cards to last at least a year in "standard" before it phases out and will belong to a "Modern" format. Now this opens up a plethora of possibilities that can make or break the game. I for one do not think that the current coreset will be printed after 2 or so years and FFG will probably release new coresets with expansions every 2 to 3 years, which I hope they will so as not to make the game stale. This will of course make it easier for newer players to jump into the game, while giving the older players a fresh set of cards to play with. And sticking to this coreset only serves the newer players and the older ones probably wont buy a set, predicting the supply and demand could be detrimental should the supply run low, a potential player may have trouble getting into the game, should there be an overestimation of the demand, FFG might abandon this game when it loses money, we ALL lose.
Of course it won't be for free, that's the downside, we the pioneers of this new card game will have to shell out a few dollars every now and then, this is after all a business. But as long as I am having fun with my friends and enjoy the game, I am down with that. But at the same time I don't want to put too much money into this game as much as I want to.
Here is what I expect:
-It won't cost more than $200 a year to be competitive. IF it comes to that, I'd rather play boardgames or share with my playgroup, and if I have to spend more than $200 a year i'd rather play video games or MTG.
-There will be a Modern format where all cards from all sets are playable
-That standard cards will at least have a 2 year playing time. I don't want to buy a booster that would last only 6 months or a year.
-Storyline events!
-NO storyline events that potentially kill off clans.
-NO dominant decks that would see play 80% of the tournaments. I would like to see each clan winning a Kotei or at least have a chance.
-NO HARD COUNTERS TO DECKS AS TO RENDER A DECK USELESS. Example: Scorpion dishonor against Oni Shadowlands not losing honor.
-Foils. Yes foils. Do it. And don't get me those cheapo versions of MTG foils that bend and curls when it rains in the summer. I want an all foil deck pls. I'll pay an extra $100 for it too, i can make the buget work...
-Merchandise. I want to go into a tournament looking like the son of bayushi himself. Hat, collared shirt, rings, the works. Don't give me $100 shirt though, thats stupid.
-NO exclusive membership to get powerful cards. NO, just NO. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH... NO. PLease. No. Paying an extra $10 a year to get game changing cards? WTH. No.
-Can you improve the imperial assembly website to reflect the newer cards so that we the players can easily reference the cards? I have to search google just to look at some cards. I am sure it wont be that hard.