important rule question

By schmendrik_, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

i think i found the answer already in the rule refference, but i want to be very sure because it is such a huge difference.

is it possible to trigger abilitys from bowed charackters?

lions pride brawler for example..

and my second question:

if my lion charakter has sashimono attatched, but gets bowed during a conflict. he stays bowed when the conflict is over and goes home bowed.. correct?

thanks for quick response

Yes, you can trigger abilities from bowed characters unless it specifically says otherwise.

Yes, he would stay bowed after the conflict. Sashimono only prevents him from becoming bowed, it does not unbow him.

It took me awhile to wrap my head around being able to use bowed character abilities and the absence of the rule of presence. Once I did however, it opened up a lot of game play.

Bowed characters cannot perform actions that would require them to bow but other than that they may perform actions while bowed.