Do any of the ffg 40k games have rules for minefields?
DW Rites of Battle: Leaper Mine (Placed Explosive) - 2m, 4d10+5 I (1.0) / 3d10+9 I (1.1), Pen 3, Blast (?), 2 kg, Req. 5
RT Into the Storm, OW core: minefeld round/missile - 2d10 X, Pen 1, Blast (1); these should be fairly obvious unless there are some circumstances naturally concealing them (fog, splashy dirt + rain, etc), but one should pay attention and pick a safe way, i.e. slow down.
OW Hammer of the Emperor: Snare Mines - contrary to the name, proximity trigger for a grenade. +20 Tech-Use to place, can select proximity (1-3 m) and delay (0-5 rounds).
OW Eleventh Hour: Booby Traps - spot with a Challenging (+0) Awareness Test and then steer the craft around them.
But any explosive, of course, can be turned into a trip mine/booby trap. Just have Awareness [and Search if they are looking] vs. (pre-rolled) Concealment with adjustments if it's more obvious or sneaky than usual, characters who failed didn't notice the trigger and may walk right into it, if that's where they go.
I was wondering about rules for mines detecting people and people avoiding them.
I'd model it by flat chance to trip and Opposed (Awareness vs. Concealment roll of whoever set it) Test respectively. With adjustments for type of the trigger and terrain. For mechanical ones, fairly low chance of tripping compensated by great total number.
As a benchmark/example for "somewhat smart" mine sensors 40kRP has Screamers.
TT rules for mines/booby traps were in Codex: Catachans (it was freely available at - now only via web archive). Plasma Charge (purpose built or a rigged plasma pistol canister - there was fluff for any other round set like this, but no rules): hurts just like the gun, always hits the triggering model, Shredder Mine (claymore like directional charge, sprays a cone like flamer), Spring Mine (jumping bomb, large blast area), Trap (small blast, just like a frag grenade from launcher). With silly point costs (more than whole respective weapons with unlimited ammunition), but they are used as "a scout already got there and set up 1-3 of these".
Edited by TBeholder2 hours ago, TBeholder said:I'd model it by flat chance to trip and Opposed (Awareness vs. Concealment roll of whoever set it) Test respectively.
In DH1 it was opposed test of Awareness/Security/Demolition, depending on situation, against Demolition (Inquisitor's Handbook, p.229). In DH2 Demolition is a part of Tech-Use and Security can be used to set traps.