Brother Glyr OP?

By T3hOverlord, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

i was playing with brother glyr today with my enemys and I totally pwn3d them all and I was wondering if hes OP? i was playing on well of darkness, all i own is well and core. the overlord could only hit me with traps because of the 3 base armor, and the fact that i could move while battling

also had chainmail, making armor rating a 5

If 5 armor breaks the game, the game's got some serious problems. Lots of heroes can get that with a lucky copper treasure draw (plate mail) or with the Ring of Protection shop item from AoD.

But beastmen average about 6 damage, so they should still be noticably whittling away at 5 armor heroes. It's good, certainly, but if monsters weren't able to damage you at all , either you got very lucky or the overlord doesn't know what he's doing. And with half the health of most 4 CP heroes, Glyr has some definite advantages, but also some definite drawbacks.

It's quite possible that 5 armor will cause monsters to target another hero instead of trying to kill you, but that's because the overlord always targets the squishiest hero.

I think Glyr is pretty good. I think a fair number of posters consider him subpar, though. AoD has another hero named Corbin who's even better protected.

He's good but most definitely not overpowered.

ok thank you everyone

he is one of the best Characters but ya donèt consider broken YET lol

T3hOverlord said:

...and the fact that i could move while battling

Just to clarify: Every hero is allowed to move during Battle using fatigue or other means.

I agree that 5 armor is not overpowered. Even if the OL is having trouble penetrating that much armor for some reason, there are (usually) 3 other heroes to pick on. Whenever I find myself unable to touch the tank, I just leave him alone and get my CTs elsewhere.