Bonus Plot involving Iced Trails?

By The Sorcerer King, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Whatever happened to that bonus plot introduced a ways back involving the overlord icing trails and things in an effort to create eternal winter or something? I remember reading about it on the descent homepage, but cannot find any links to it or references in news archives...

Does anyone know where I could find the bonus plot? It sounded pretty interesting and its extremely frustrating not being able to locate it!


I've been wondering the same thing. I was fortunate enough to save copies of the two cards they put up, but they don't do me much good without the rest of the plot.

Ha Ha Ha....

Never going to see the other cards in that series.

Again, FFG has too many things going on. Why spend time on a free-bees when they can't even get the time to polish up the paid-for products?

maybe their working on a new project and the cards were just a trail run and they need feedback from it. If this is true and I put my post up at a good time.