Meta Snapshot

By nungunz, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Quite interesting...

No mention of Favored Ground and a number of other cards I expected most players to run...

And Crab took 1st Place!!!

thanks for posting the update from Imperial Advisor.

Edited by LordBlunt

Were the clan breakdowns posted anywhere?

does anyone have the win loss reports sitting on a spreadsheet, I can enter the results into the ranking app as there is enough people to make it statistically significant

Interesting Unicorn Deck.

The Clan breakdown was reported as such:

15 Dragon
14 Lion/Crane
13 Phoenix
12 Unicorn/Scorpion
9 Crab

From one of the participants:

Lion made it to Top 8
Phoenix and Dragon top 8
Scorpion top 4
Unicorn didn't make the cut to Top 8

Thanks for the breakdowns.

Always nice to see the unpopular pick blow everyone else up.

Anyone go through the fate average or curve of the top decks?

fate curve seems like a pretty worthless stat don't you think?

not only is how much you spend on something variable, but your fate has no acceleration. It's turn to turn, situational. There's no progression unless you deliberately choose to save fate, or claimed a ring with fate, etc. all situational.

35 minutes ago, Tebbo said:

fate curve seems like a pretty worthless stat don't you think?

not only is how much you spend on something variable, but your fate has no acceleration. It's turn to turn, situational. There's no progression unless you deliberately choose to save fate, or claimed a ring with fate, etc. all situational.

Not really, as a fate curve can easily dictate what you can play. It can also help to decide what cards you want to use. For instance, if you focus on 0 or 1 cost conflict cards, you'll generally be able to invest more on dynasty cards or find that you always have conflict options compared to just using higher cost cards.

Sure, there's a situational element but that exists in every card game.

Edited by Kubernes

Maybe 'average fate cost' would be a more useful metric than the 'curve', since it describes how much you're going to pay per character, on average? 7 minus (anticipated) conflict costs gives you a budget of X per turn on characters, divide X and that indicates how many new characters you expect to add to the board on average (with no fate).

I do agree that 'curve' doesn't make a lot of sense for a game with little acceleration. Still good to look at, for sure, but it doesn't describe the shape of the game as much as it would in MtG.

Edit: After just a little reading, I realize the average cost was brought up initially. /thumbsup

Edited by AradonTemplar

Well it takes a moment to calculate so I guess it's a 'why not' situation with curve.

avg min fate cost per deck however, seems like a much more revealing stat. i agree that value would be useful bit to chew on while looking at decks.

Some of the choices are quite revealing. Playing unicorn I agree with no assaination; most of my losses have been through dishonor(big thing at my flgs).

3 hours ago, Tebbo said:

fate curve seems like a pretty worthless stat don't you think?

Only unicorn use a fate 'curve'.

The rest of Rokugan uses a fate 'straight'.

- Shinjo Altansarnai

Edited by Ishi Tonu