11 hours ago, WHW said:This would literally never happens, as Katana has damage of 4, and highest armor value in the game ATM is 5 for Plate Armor and unholy hide of terryfing oni. It would require the introduction of oppressive Resistance values for the opponents that do not mesh with the math of current system. Eyeballing numbers is a bad habit.
The only scenario where this could work is player character wearing Plate Armor using 3 Opportunities to activate Striking as Earth and then tanking an exactly 2 success hit from an NPC using a katana.
Not quite.
Player may have forgotten the target took a +1 resistance from a technique.
Player may have pushed their luck when they rolled 2 Ex and 4 Op+St... and kept the 2 Ex in hope of rolling the needed third to not ding... a 25/144 chance of failure. But that 17% does sometimes show.
Player may have used a different attack action using the katana, which doesn't use the base damage.