Painting Emperor Palpatine Question
I believe I replied to this on reddit
My original question was, can I use the set of paints that I provided in the picture without buying a whole new can just for Palpatine.
Are these all the paints you have? I would probably start with mixing celestra grey with something a little bit yellowier than anything you have in this pic. Do you have a sort of sand colour?
my plan is celestra grey then a mixed down nuln oil wash, then over with celestra / white mix highlights. so maybe grab some nuln oil (and some lahmian medium to thin it down)
2 hours ago, Srba said:Are these all the paints you have? I would probably start with mixing celestra grey with something a little bit yellowier than anything you have in this pic. Do you have a sort of sand colour?
I thought that these colours in the picture would be enough. I do have yellow. Why not mix with white?
I say want ch RotJ if you can. Palpatine is a washed out gray/grey. I would follow 54NCH32's advice. I personally am going with a very light gray. Actually the same color I used for The Grand Inquistor with a very light Nuln Oil wash.
10 hours ago, C3POFETT said:I say want ch RotJ if you can. Palpatine is a washed out gray/grey. I would follow 54NCH32's advice. I personally am going with a very light gray. Actually the same color I used for The Grand Inquistor with a very light Nuln Oil wash.
Yeah, I used the same technique for my Inquisitor as well, (Including yellow eyes with a minimal Carroburg crimson wash) see below for overall results for a grey skinned mini. But I may wash a little darker with Ole Palpy due to his hood. (And i'll prob do more highlighting this time round)
I can understand not wanting to spend out too much on additional paints, but a nuln oil shade (BUT NOT THE GLOSS VERSION! Watch out for that) , would definitely be worth it to shade Palps face and still come in very useful down the line for other stuff/minis etc.
D'oh. I wish I had noticed this thread earlier. I'm also wondering how to paint the skin. I used just Citadel's Pallid Wych Flesh, washed with Nuln Oil+Reikland Fleshshade+Lahmian Medium mix and then highlighted again with Pallid Wych Flesh and then I brightened it by mixing some white into it.
I have a photo from the front of the figure but it's so dark. I think I need to take new photos.
But I'm not really 100% happy about the skin color. I have some tidying up to do with the hands anyway but I've been thinking about redoing the skin completely. Your inquisitor looks really good 54NCH32. Maybe I should try painting the skin more like that and also not use Reikland Fleshshade at all in the wash mix (I used a tiny bit to give the slight tint of blood flowing in the veins).