Deck lists from Worlds 2009 or Tier 1 Decks

By MechSpike, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

I am working on my new fan site and want to get a collection of deck lists, so I come here humbly to ask you all to help. What I need are deck lists from Worlds 2009, or just deck lists that are generally tier 1. I always hear about the Hastur/Agency w/ Dogs and Descendant deck, but no one has given me a basic rundown of one. I want to form a website where people can go for a quick rundown of decks of all types. Most of them I am just grabbing from the forums here, but I cannot find any "Tier 1" decks. To be honest I just need any lists I can get my hands on. I hope I can get some help from all you guys, it would be really appreciated! I'm going to launch the site within the next week, but need to get more deck lists. Thanks!

So to make a long post short, can anyone give me some good deck lists they would like me to post on my new website? Specifically the Hastur/Agency+Dogs+Descendant deck?

there was a fansite for decks the other month but ffg shut it down. so not sure how long your site might be around. hopefully you have better luck.

Yes, but that site had images of the cards, mine doesn't. Will anyone help me out??? At least point me in the right direction? I can't even find any of the top Stahleck deck lists.


I can help you a bit with the (in)famous Hastur+Agency+Dogs+Descendant list. The Cards with a * near them are the "mandatory" cards (or, at least, that everyone was playing in Stahleck)



3 Aspiring artist *

2/3 Victoria Glasser *

3 Infernal Obsession *

3 Giant Albino Penguin *

3 Power Drain *

3 Byakhee attack

2/3 Byakhee servant

2/3 demon lover

- Agency

3 Shotgun blast *

3 Small price to pay *

3 Undercover security *

3 Government exorcist *

2/3 Military Bike

3 endless interrogation

2/3 short fuse

- Neutral

8 Alaskan sldge dogs

3 descendant of Eibon

The list has more than 50 cards, but obviously you have to tune it according to your playstyle. personally, I was playing without dogs in Stahleck, and I finished second behind a deck that was playing them. I was playing a bit more aggro-control than pure aggro (Bringer of Fire for example) but again, it depends on your playstyle.

Hope it helps!


Thank you! Does anyone else have any decks that could help?? :) I could use anything honestly, I want to get as many as I can gather.

In fact, we have a specific thread on our fansite dedicated to deckbuilds ...., may you'll find what you're looking for there !

I'd like to remind you to that Roberto "CARIOZ" did post his (award-winning) French National Deck in the General Discussion part.

I haven't yet but might give you my cardlist (which finally ends in Top 4 in Stahleck LCG) :


3x ATT F75 Descendant of Eibon, Master of the Black Arts (changed)
2x AHS F36 Under the Porch
2x CS F140 Shocking Transformation
3x AAH F20 Dark Druid
3x AAH F19 Ghoulish Worshipper
1x CS F124 Slavering Gug
1x CS F126 Ancient Guardian
2x CS F122 •Y'Golonac, The Obscenity
3x CS F131 Hungry Dark Young
3x ATS F93 Insect Swarm
3x ASL F15 Grim Wraith
3x CS F125 Forest Sister
3x ATH F13 Twilight Cannibal
3x CS F137 Burrowing Beneath
3x AHS F35 Mind Eater
2x ATH F14 Dhole Tunnel (changed)
3x CS F123 Priestess of Bubastis
3x ATS F98 Parallel Universe
2x CS F154 Eldritch Nexus
1x AMM F14 Antarctic Yeti
1x CS F12 T-Men
1x CS F46 Ravager from the Deep

Total 51 (which became 54 for 2 weeks now!)

My basic purpose was to prepare the arrival of the Goule Nation, plus benfiting high skills and Y'go !

This deck has a really high patern and might leads me to 2 or 3 characters each turn.

It can deal with merely anything if I manage to keep the dominance during the T2. Since I saw the Descendant merely everywhere, I dropped him to put 2 Vale of Ptah into this and it works quite fine. Dhol Tunnel was changed for 3 Ghoulish Predator and I added 2 Dhol Attack.

I have some nice tricks that were suggested by Roberto and Graham (T-men+Ravager in it, in case I can Shocktrans a character before commitment), and I benefit the advantage of cost reduction (ghoulish+priestess+ plus drawing (dark druid), support destruction + stuffs that interfers with resolutions of stories.

Okay great I'll definitely post it on the site! I assumed you guys had a section for it, but I don't know French very well, and I know most other American's don't either. Thank you though!

I actually got to play with Tom Capor tonight, against the infamous dogs+descendant deck...I almost beat him too! But that's a story for a different day!