How much do Rebel soliders make?

By damnkid3, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

I have been running a rebellion game and have just been supplying the team basic items, and them special stuff from Duty ranks.

Do you pay your rebel soliders a base rate per rank? Or how do you handle money for your rebellion games?

I give my players a payday every few sessions depending on rank. Plus they earn money by all the ships they "commandeer" and then sell off. I go by rank. For instance, their commander, a Major, I'll give around 5k credits, and the lowest rank, a sergeant, about 2k. Now that they're more privateers operating under the Rebel Alliance flag, they'll get a share each, along with their crew, but still get their military pay. How you do it is up to you, choose a pay scale that you're comfortable giving and go with it. Doesn't have to be official.

We get paid monthly by our military contribution rank; most of us are rank 8 so we get paid 800 a month. Very low given the grand scheme of things, but most of our income being a black ops unit comes from less honest deeds.

Quite frankly, the Republic sucks. XD

I doubt they get paid at all until some time after ROTJ, when there is a legitimate government. They get fed, clothed, and armed (and even then, not always). A decent portion of missions are to address the lack of food, clothing, and weaponry. But I seriously doubt rebel soldiers were drawing a paycheck. Mercenaries might get paid out, but not anyone holding rank with the Rebellion. Battlefront, the canon novel for the first video game, shows the war from the perspective of the grunts, and they don't seem to be drawing a paycheck. They're there for the cause, essentially volunteers.

17 hours ago, damnkid3 said:

I have been running a rebellion game and have just been supplying the team basic items, and them special stuff from Duty ranks.

Do you pay your rebel soliders a base rate per rank? Or how do you handle money for your rebellion games?

Modeling it after real military methods of payment isn't a bad idea, however keep in mind that they aren't an "official" system. They get support wherever they can, and that support can fail if the Empire cuts off their financial backers. I wouldn't focus too much on credits, but would likely keep it to things like "You get free meals and lodging at any of our facilities, and if we win (and you survive), you will get a great retirement/benefits package"

I mean, Acquisitions is a form of Duty, and that could very easily include getting money to pay for things. So I would mostly keep them without a credit flow from the Rebellion, and say "what credits you earn is up to you really. In fact, while you're out there, see if you can't 'find some lying around' and bring them back to us. We have to pay off these smugglers or they will inform the Empire on us if we don't keep our regular bribes up."

Finding such funding would make for a great story for a party, especially if any of the PC's happen to be of the financially inclined Career specs. You could have an entire storyarc about simply trying to convince various groups and factions, to provide financial support to the Rebellion. Your social/political characters could wheel and deal, and use their talents to persuade the leaders to provide funding. Your Trader PC could literally set up dummy corporations as shell companies to launder any funds, to avoid detection, while also finding legitimate ways to invest large sums of credits to provide continuous income to the Rebellion, etc etc.

So yeah, while I think you can technically go with the "The Rebellion pays you a base military allowance", I don't think it would be as much fun as having a story where the party has to actually obtain those funds themselves.

But that's me.

Thanks everyone!

I was expecting my group to shave a little off the side for themselves, espically with some of the items they found. So far they have been completely dedicated to the rebellion and even spending their own credits from creation. So I feel that zineed to give them something.

Maybe I will pair them up with a Rebel who does hold back on some of the goods and see how the party acts to that behaviour. That could be fun.

Also, when you start to approximate Star Wars wages with real world wages (so 2000 credits a month for a skilled security officer or so, ), what expenses do the characters have? Do they need to pay for rent or mortgage? Health insurances? Gas and electricity? If they own a private speeder, do they pay for fuel and maintainance?

As such, I guess the Rebellion pays far less than 2K to 5K, even for higher ranked officers. They get an expensive bacta tank treatment if they were wounded in the line of duty. They can requisition for a replacement blaster rifle even if it is a stock model. Far more examples can be given, but I won't. No need to drag this out.

All things considered, LordBritish mentioned 100 credits per contribution rank. Assuming your character's pay can be used completely as personal savings, and the Rebellion provides for clothing, weapons, mission items, healing, etc, I guess that suggestion might not even be such a low suggestion anyways.