"Tatami Mat" reference sheets

By Magnus Grendel, in Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Beta

A quick set of reference sheets cooked up for our playtest group to make a 3x2 A4 pages gaming mat.

EDIT : Apologies - bounced off the upload limit. Will go host them somewhere...

EDIT:Let's try this third time

Edited by Magnus Grendel

22492012_10159498371800392_1721121480224 22528403_10159498370305392_1709209731604 22450001_10159498370410392_6169175149044 22550017_10159498370635392_8801891913679 22491833_10159498371200392_5421987041885 22549956_10159498371665392_7220898320398

The latter is meant to be an inititative/stance tracker for the group, whilst the others are 'everything you might want to see about ring X'.

Edited by Magnus Grendel
