Can I play a deck of neutral characters?
Can I then include Hero and Villain Events, Supports and Upgrades?
Customization happens before playing a game. Players can experience the game in new ways by developing one-of-a-kind strategies and combinations.
To build a team, a player chooses up to 30 points of characters.
A player must select either hero or villain characters; hero and villain characters cannot be on the same team.
A player can select only one copy of each unique (*) character, but they can select any number of copies of non- unique characters. When selecting a unique character, the player must choose whether to use the elite (larger point value, two dice) or non-elite (smaller point value, one die) version of that character.
A player must choose at least one character.
There are no restrictions based on a character’s color. A player may include characters of the same color or different colors on their team.
A deck includes exactly 30 cards.
The deck cannot include more than 2 copies of the same card.
If a team has hero characters, its deck cannot contain villain cards. If a team has villain characters, its deck cannot contain hero cards. Neutral cards can be included in any deck.
Blue, Red, and Yellow cards can only be included in the deck if the team includes a character of the matching color. Gray cards can be included in any deck.
A deck can contain events, upgrades, and supports. Characters and battlefields are not included in a deck and do not count toward its 30 card limit.