I was curious if anyone has come across any websites selling singles or say dynasty/conflict sets of each clan? I did see a few on Ebay, but was wondering if there was a store or website selling.
I was curious if anyone has come across any websites selling singles or say dynasty/conflict sets of each clan? I did see a few on Ebay, but was wondering if there was a store or website selling.
I assume that you mean a full set of Dynasty cards for a given Clan. ???
Huh. I never thought of that. It would certainly allow someone to get into the game by choosing and playing a single Clan, without buying any other cards or sets from/for other Clans. (Conflict cards would be a bit tricky, if we omit splash cards and similar)
Interesting query.
I don’t think that I’ve seen this; I don’t think that anyone is selling what you have described..... how about dropping by your LGS and asking players who have already bought 3 Core sets? They might be willing to sell you a Clan’s worth of cards. Just a thought.
Edited by LordBluntIf I had the money to buy up a bunch of core sets and split them into clan sets, conflict sets, neutral, etc i bet one could turn a profit.
Maybe 2 copies of each clan's dynasty cards and the same thing for conflict cards.....that way you still encourage players to get a core set. Then maybe a single copy of each of the neutral cards that you only get two copies of in the core set for those looking to get their sets of neutral cards on the cheap. Or just do complete sets of each card and let players pick and choose what they want from each clan. That just might lead to you having a whole bunch of extra Way of the Unicorns laying around
Just a quick look at ebay shows some very high prices (in the $50 range), so I bet you could get a set of cores, sell each clan for $25 and make a small profit margin, if you were so inclined. I was considering offering something similar for our store, but I imagine FFG wouldn't appreciate retailers separating their product, even if it lowers the barrier of entry for players who are casually interested in the game.
The problem with splitting, although it is a nice idea, is that you would only have 2 sets of neutrals to sell. Even players who want just one clan will need the neutrals and there are definitely some neutrals that have more prolonged value than other neutrals.
Well I was going to sell 2 of each, with the idea that someone who had bought 1 core could complete the clan of their choosing. I was thinking it might get more people interested, especially if lots of other people were selling this way. I'm just desperate to find players since I have none.
Fu Leng is sad stuck in this Magic festering pit
Unfortunately with influence and all they really made it so you kind of need several clans and enough of each to actually have some consistent draws.
It sucks honestly. Maybe in December each clan will have enough on their own for mono-clan to really make sense.
19 hours ago, generalquark said:Hi,
I was curious if anyone has come across any websites selling singles or say dynasty/conflict sets of each clan? I did see a few on Ebay, but was wondering if there was a store or website selling.
I doubt you will find anyone selling them as it just isn't profitable. Lets look at the math. I buy a core set for $34. Add in tax were now at $37. I break it up into 7 sets (one for each clan). I need to sell each clan for $5.29 just to break even. However, I'm going to have ship the item to the buyer. The postage is going to run you around $2.15 so now we are up to $7.35. E-bay is going to take 10% of the sale price and Paypal is going to take another 3%. So now we are up to $8.45 just to break even and only if I sell all 7 packs. I also need to add a few bucks to each pack to make it worth my time and we are up to about $11 a clan pack. Are people really going to pay a third the price of a core for a seventh of the cards? I can tell you when I attempted to do this with AGoT2.0, the answer is no and I ended up taking a loss.
If we break a core into 8 sets (7 clans plus neutrals). The prices will change a little. Each set will be $4.63. If we double the cost of the neutrals (because thats what everyone really wants), you can sell the neutral set for $9 and and each clan set for $4. After adding in shipping, fees, and profit, your price becomes $15 for the neutrals and $10 for the clans. Again, you probably sell the neutrals and be left with the clans because people don't need them.