Couple card interaction questions.

By Shibayushi, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

I’ve browsed through looking for answers to these questions, but haven’t found an answer yet. These situations have come up in play, even if it was just against myself.. :(

  1. Kitsu Spirit Caller brings back Honored General, and General honors self. Battle ends: does playing Stand Your Ground (discard honored status token instead of leaving play) override the Spirit Caller’s return-to-bottom-of deck stipulation?

Anything taking a card away from “in-play” would be removing a card from play, regardless of where the removal was generated, is my argument.

  1. Switching stats: Do you consider a “-“ as a zero for the purposes of Bayushi Yunako’s ability, or does it exchange the dash literally? If so, then it’s possible to cause a character with a dash stat to leave the battle bowed once switched, as per rule-book.

  1. And just for clarity’s sake, anything that triggers from an “event,” such as Forged Edict, only pertains to actual event-type cards, yes?

1) Yes, it says "Leave PLay" and putting on top of the deck is a "leaves play" effect. Same with Reprieve

2) Dash Targets are not legal targets for Yunako's ability because of the dash.

3) Yes, cards that have "Event" written on them under the fate cost.

Edited by Mirith