The Nezumi, or 'ratlings'. They were sometimes rather silly in the way they were written, but could also be very interesting, and many players loved them. Nezumi also had an empire long long ago...or at least they claim they did. At some point, they may have been servants and / or food for the Naga. In modern Rokugan, they were mostly cautious scavengers and survived by fighting only when necessary.
Nezumi also had t heir own 'clan'. It was the result of a vote that members of the L5R fan club participated in. They were round for quite awhile, but then most ratlings sacrificed themselves by going into a mystical realms to stop the deadly force 'Tomorrow' (it's a long story).
In this new L5R, the Crab intro story featured furry beings helping the Crab. Those are mostly likely Nezumi.