I ran the first half of A Ronin's Path yesterday, and one of the early issues we had was getting a handle on the TN changes by approach, not the concept of it, but the specific choices that the adventure has made.
Since this is a beta, and we want to test the system as written, I would like to try to understand the choices the designers made, so that I can replicate their approach when running my own content.
I'm going to concentrate on the first set of rolls listed in the adventure, examining the bloodstains in Hida Kayo's room.
Based on the Art of Investigation sidebar on page 95, I get that most uses of investigation use the approaches of the Scholar skill group, so I looked to that for my initial ideas.
The first test is:
TN 2 Aesthetics (Water 1, Fire 3) check or TN 2 Labor (Water 1, Fire 3) check : The door frame is damaged, which indicates someone must have opened the door screen with great force.
I can appreciate why Water (survey) might be advantageous, although I can also imagine the same thing for the Air (analyze) and Void (sense) approaches. Why is Fire (theorize) less advantageous that say, Earth (recall)?
The next test is to check the footprints in the blood:
TN 3 Survival (Fire 2, Air 4) check or TN 2 Tactics (Fire 1, Air 3) check
I can see why Fire (theorize) is advantageous here, but why is Air (analyze) penalised over, say, Earth (recall)?
Finally, so check the blood splatter for causes the PCs have:
TN 3 Martial Arts [Melee] (Air 2, Earth 4) check or TN 2 Medicine (Air 1, Earth 3) check
Funnily enough, this check matches my thinking exactly, that analyzing the blood splatter is the best way to get results, and that recalling things is the least useful. Why is this different than checking for the bloody footprints?
I understand wanting to use a variety of approaches, but can anyone explain to me the thinking of these three approaches so I can understand the intended reason for these specific superior and inferior approaches in these instances?