Names, Abbreviations & Shorthand

By AK_Aramis, in Proofreading

It appears that the writers never considered that players and GM's tend to use shorthand...

Bonus Successes is problematic - it becomes BS...

Attack Action vs Assist Action. Scheme vs Support. Attack, Help, Plot, and Support would be better - becomeing AA HA, PA, SA.

Dice Symbol names: Strife vs Success... Discord or Tension would be better, and solve the shorthanding.

Also - on the character sheet: Ninjo and Giri need parenthesized english translations.

The variety of labels for advantge/disadvantage traits is a bit of a pain.

To be honest, for the dice results, I'd probably look for an agreed 'symbol shorthand' that people actually have on their keyboards....

* for opportunity is the easy one.

I'm less sure for success, explosive success, and strife. @, maybe, for strife.

As shorthand in my playtest group, we've been using + ++ * and <3
