Asking mostly out of pure curiosity. What kinds of holocrons have you included in your games? Have they been built similar to the party resource out of Force and Destiny? Have they been way more powerful? Have they been used as a major plot device, a MacGuffin for the party to chase after? Or just a really neat trinket that the party happens to have, that has assisted them in small ways?
In the first "season" of my campaign, there was a holocron introduced as a MacGuffin. The players, a hodge-podge of EotE, AoR, and F&D characters, were hired by a Devaronian crime lord to recover the holocron, and they spent the entire first season of the game chasing after it. At the end of the last game of season 1, the players finally caught up to the man in possession of said holocron, who turned out to be a Jedi Knight in hiding.
On Thursday, I started up season 2, after a four month break from the campaign. The players have agreed to help said discovered Jedi find his way back to the rest of his surviving Jedi friends (It's the group of younglings from the Clone Wars episodes where Ahsoka travels with them to Ilum). Speaking of Ilum, that was the party's next destination, as the surviving Jedi were supposed to be hiding out on one of the many temples there. What the party discovered instead, however, is that Ilum was under full Imperial occupation (as described in the Ahsoka novel). The party managed to fly in under the Empire's radar and stop by the temple where the surviving Jedi were supposed to be hiding, only to find it empty. Thankfully, this temple was the farthest from the Imperial mining operation on the planet, and hadn't been touched by the Empire yet. There they discovered a Jedi holographic training droid, and a holocron. This one, I'll be allowing the party to keep (While the other is most certainly finding its way into the hands of their Devaronian boss). I mostly treated it was a party resource holocron, with it letting the party treat Lightsaber and Discipline as career skills (for the few players who aren't already playing Jedi, in case they decide to take that route). However, on top of that, I'll be treating it as a sort of Mentor, giving a 5 XP discount to the base powers of Move, Sense, Enhance, and Influence.
The idea behind this particular temple was to basically have a Jedi boot camp. After re-reading Outbound Flight, I recalled Jorus C'baoth's constant suggestion to the Jedi Order to start taking on older pupils, pointing out that the Jedi Order's numbers were insufficient. He hailed Anakin as the perfect example of how well an older person becoming a Jedi could turn out. With all the strife in the years leading up to the Clone Wars, I like to imagine that the Jedi Order would have started to consider C'baoth's suggestion, even after he left for Unknown Space. This temple was an old one that was refurbished, with the intent of taking on the new older students here and giving them a crash course in Jedi training (Similar to Luke's training under Yoda). Hence why there was a training droid, programmed in all six forms of lightsaber combat that are currently in this game, and a holocron that gives you Lightsaber, Discipline, and a discount on Move, Sense, Enhance, and Influence, which I view as all the "standard" Jedi Force powers. However, the Clone Wars hit too soon, and the Jedi suddenly found that it couldn't spare any Jedi Masters to man this new temple, as they were all too preoccupied with the war.