Chaingun walking

By Nerdmeister, in Doom

Quick question:

can you walk the chaingun over the same space more than once?

Fx from space a) to space b) and then back to a)? O r will it have to be a space previously not shot at.

Doesn´t say anything specifically in the rules but can be important if trying to take down a large figure and the marines want to really lay the hurt on it

According to RAW, you cannot:

"The attacker cannot make multiple blow-through attacks against the same target during one attack." pg 12 rulebook.

The "target" in this instance is the space, so you could not attack square 1, walk to square 2, then back to square 1.


Ok thx for the answer. happy.gif

I should note that if the attacker has the Sniper ability, which is that LOS is not blocked by figures, then they could strafe a large 2x2 monster 3 times.

And I honestly don't think it's that terrible of a house-rule to have, ability to strafe back-and-forth. It can only happen with the Chaingun so why not?


Shnar is the God of Doom