Friends Like These without Imperials or Rebels

By Icosiel, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Hello! I'm going to be running Friends Like These for my group in the next few weeks, but I'm making some tweaks to it. Our game is set in the timeline of the Sequel Trilogy. The First Order has recently destroyed Hosnian Prime and fractured the Republic, which has led to many smaller empires and kingdoms springing up across the galaxy. My players have made a particularly dangerous enemy out of the Mining Guild. The Mining Guild, in our setting, has a significant amount of galactic power, and in the wake of Hosnian Prime is trying to take entire systems for their resources.
When I run FLT , I plan on having the Mining Guild fill the role of the Empire. My players are essentially an Edge of the Empire crew, and so they are not connected to the Resistance or any other rebellious force.

What I want to know before I run the game is whether or not the Rebellion and the Empire are essential to this adventure. To anyone who has run it, are there any glaring moments where it's important that the invading forces are Imperial? Are the Rebel reinforcements necessary at the conclusion of the adventure? If I'm aware of any problematic moments in advance, I can plan accordingly and edit the adventure to work for our game.


23 minutes ago, Icosiel said:

Hello! I'm going to be running Friends Like These for my group in the next few weeks, but I'm making some tweaks to it. Our game is set in the timeline of the Sequel Trilogy. The First Order has recently destroyed Hosnian Prime and fractured the Republic, which has led to many smaller empires and kingdoms springing up across the galaxy. My players have made a particularly dangerous enemy out of the Mining Guild. The Mining Guild, in our setting, has a significant amount of galactic power, and in the wake of Hosnian Prime is trying to take entire systems for their resources.
When I run FLT , I plan on having the Mining Guild fill the role of the Empire. My players are essentially an Edge of the Empire crew, and so they are not connected to the Resistance or any other rebellious force.

What I want to know before I run the game is whether or not the Rebellion and the Empire are essential to this adventure. To anyone who has run it, are there any glaring moments where it's important that the invading forces are Imperial? Are the Rebel reinforcements necessary at the conclusion of the adventure? If I'm aware of any problematic moments in advance, I can plan accordingly and edit the adventure to work for our game.


This will contain potential spoilers of the actual adventure. Players that haven't gone through it have been warned.

To be honest the adventure makes as much sense if it was a pirate gang; because the imperial force's in this particular campaign had very limited resources (e.g. because the base was to be erased to conceal the Captain's secret, thus the troops were only briefed on it being a training exercise until the last 48 hours.) that meant if they failed to take over the base on this occasion, that they would leave it alone (e.g. the captain was defeated and either has his reputation destroyed, the ship is cut off on retreat and so fourth). Thus it would make sense no matter the foe. Mandolorians raiding party? Mandolorians fending off a Zygerian invasion, greater implementing the use of court Zygerian context to reflect a game of throwns style warfare and so fourth. There are really three key elements to this story.

1) There is a raiding party on it's way due to a spy leak, which leaves the party 48 hours to prepare.

2) There is a defending party or a definite win conduction that will end the battle: The story hinges on the fact that despite best efforts the imperial attack force is overwhelming and that renforcements would arrive a short period of time after that. While the time period could easily be adjusted (to represent a longer siege, incorporate more PC missions amidst this large conflict.) you have to decide whether to use the enforcement card and if not; what conditions would result in the attack force breaking? (pulling back after great losses? Scoring so many successes and so fourth) or would there be a theshold in which the party can make a decisive attempt to end this battle by breaking the big bads back?

3) The defending base isn't a united house; there is internal politics that must be sorted.

4) Why wouldn't they return after winning? For a mining goal that objective might be as simple as they don't really have the resources to spend on protracted sieges and would rather cut their losses for easy game; the story indicates that once the rebel's arrive the base is secure enough to ward off priate attacks while the empire at large remain unaware of this strong hold.

The really important question is what plot reasons would tie the squad to this base? Are they an edge group merely hired as a middle man? Or do they have a vested interest in building a empire admist this fractured society? what are their allegiances? For example our party was an alliance party; but one member had watched an entire settlement be raized to the ground before and didn't want that to happen; another was a mandolorian who had a vested interest in making connections with his breathern to retake his clan; sadly, that man didn't survive the battle and he would never reclaim his clan; but instead be fondly remembered by another.

What are the chances the First Order might step in?

On 19/10/2017 at 5:47 PM, copperbell said:

What are the chances the First Order might step in?

Depends on the era, and what the settlement had to offer. Prior to the Force Awakens, the first order kept a low profile in wild space; so it would take something pretty **** special to lure them into the galaxy proper, though they might actually be "posing" as an alternative force, which gives this humble group of defenders the chance to snag some quaility information for a high resale value...