Thinking of selling my armies - a lot painted

By mattlarnold, in Runewars Miniatures Game

1 hour ago, Parakitor said: mean those beauties that you shared with us on the painting forum...are gone? :o

Well, I guess I'm looking forward to round 2 with an even bigger army.

Sadly yes... but i can always paint them again :D

also the guy i sold them to wants more painted.... so i might be busy doing that. XD

Can I ask your sale price?

I find that miniature games ebb and flow in popularity, and are different from store to store. So I tend to keep a playable army for many games because you never know when it might become the "in thing" due to a new edition, new people, or if you move to a new location. I don't find myself playing RuneWars ever because there is no one to play. However, I keep it because I never know when the meta will get sick of Sci-Fi, or a new friend will want to try miniatures, or my daughter gets old enough to play, etc. Maybe it'll never get played, but then at least I can appreciate the work I put into my hobby.

48 minutes ago, Hepitude said:

Can I ask your sale price?

I dont know if i should say the exact amount (i dont know if the buyer would want me to say) but lets just say it was a good amount more than any price mentioned in this thread

20 hours ago, Kruger40k said:

I know this thread is long dead but i just had to say that painting them at a high quality DOES increase the value.... anyone who says otherwise just doesn't know better or is being a hater.

I recently painted my uthuk set but i wanted to buy a larger set so i sold my painted minis and now i can buy WAY more than i originaly had.

If you still need the money i am sure you can find a buyer for more than what these others have told you it is worth.

The exception doesn't disprove the rule, your work was quite nice (if I'm remembering straight), which is going to be the absolute minimum to begin making exceptions as well. But whatever works, we can just resort to ad hominem if you prefer. Clearly the guy who has 2 large painted armies is a hater :D

Edited by Darthain
16 hours ago, Darthain said:

The exception doesn't disprove the rule, your work was quite nice (if I'm remembering straight), which is going to be the absolute minimum to begin making exceptions as well. But whatever works, we can just resort to ad hominem if you prefer. Clearly the guy who has 2 large painted armies is a hater :D

Who knows maybe i was lucky... but i still think the OP can sell his army for a good amount of money. His army is really nice looking and there are plenty of people that want painted minis but dont have time to paint and play and would rather pay someone to do a service.

Edited by Kruger40k

Ok, at the risk of dredging up some stuff I will weigh in.

I would love to see some actual data clean game sales vs. modified games and see the price difference. When looking to buy KS exclusives for Zombicide a few years ago here is what I noticed on Ebay:

1)People who want painted stuff usually (yes it's worth underlining so tangents don't form assuming I mean 100% of the time) want to do it themselves so they can imprint their 'personality' on the game.

2) People who sell their stuff after painting it will try and increase the price of the game to the point of it being worth their time to paint.

This lead to me noting that there were fully painted Zombicide boxes that people sold for upwards of $500 (a $100 retail game) buy it now on ebay and those boxes sitting on ebay for a while until either a) they came down in price or b) they pulled the listing. And people who sold unpainted sets were getting nearly the same amount for unpainted stuff. One person even commented on the zombiedash forums that he would try not to buy painted sets becasue he's going to strip the paint anyways and start over.

There is not a 1:1 correlation here becasue RW:TMG has no KS exclusives, I understand that, but similar things were seen in my local gamestore that focused in warhammer as well.

I personally cant imagine a case of selling, say a core set, and after taking into account my time, the craft supplies and the core set pricing it to be profitable.

I get what you mean about selling unpainted minis especial KS exclusive ones, but i have actually sold some painted zombicide black plague guest artist expansion minis for about $25-35 each so there is room to make a profit.

And people trying to sell zombicide core set for $500 better be painting each hero and zombie mini to a high standard or it will never sell ...and going off what you said it doesn't sound like they did XD


I forgot to mention 1 key part in selling painted minis...

The biggest difference between a board game like Zombicide and a table top war-game like RWMG is that some tournaments require your minis to be painted or they might not let you compete and that makes it an easier sell than any painted board game IMO

Edited by Kruger40k