I started playing Legend of the Five Rings in 1995 at little game store in Cypress, CA called "Gamer's Guild,"
I know this is totally LCG game mechanics, but maybe some old CCG cards might work with a few changes.
We can just all dream it may happen. Sorry it has been years try remember card text, plus my tweeks for LCG
Imperial ed & Shadowlands exp.
"Enough talk!" Automatic enter a duel to negate any one honor loss. Winner gains one honor ( Maybe use political stat)
"Prepare to dig 2 graves," - Reaction: Target a personality in battle that won causing loss of province. Until the end of game when your character opposes that personality battle gain +2F/2P bonus
"Poison Weapon," reaction: After duel dial revealed reduce total result -3 Lose 4 honor.
"Togashi Hoshi," Man beast Dragon (His father Yokuni is one Original Kami (eternal dragon) Where do you think magic tatto for monks. " Kami blood."
"Avoid Fate," reaction to a event, the event does not occur now. The event is replaced next action card in coquest deck. Shuffle event card back into deck.
"Ninja Shapeshifter" - ability to copy ONE abilty Force, Political, action, Trait or honor you control.
"Investigation," - Reaction: Cancels effects of Kolat, Ninja, or Assassin for rest of the turn. The responsible family lose 3 honor
"Oath of Fealty," - one non alignied personality becomes part of your clan the rest of the game & gains +1F/1P
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