So, we started our first run-through last night with three characters:
- Hida Takeshi, a Defender-trained Bushi
- Akodo Tsubasa, a Duellist-trained Bushi
- Shiba Mishiko, an Elementalist-trained Shujenga
We ran through things as per the book:
Initially we went round and spent XP - this was pleasantly quick to do.
- Takeshi spent all his allowance on ring increases (allowing him to get back to the Earth 4 he had when we went through character creation the first time - I hadn't noticed the 'cap' on skills and stats at that point) to better suit his Large Stature.
- Tsubasa picked up assorted ring increases and a second rank of Martial Arts (Melee)
- Mishiko increased her Earth and Air rings (those being the rings for her main 'offensive' invocations) and picked up Biting Steel, being pretty much sold on the description of "that guy from the Brotherhood without Banners in Game Of Thrones"
- I'm not sure why starter adventure is intended to be for school rank 2 characters? I guess you may find that the adventure in the actual rulebook is different (that's been the case with quite a few of the SWRPG books, where there's been one adventure in the beta, one in the intro box set, one in the rulebook and one in the GM's kit that sort of form a 'set').
- We also rolled on the 'discord wheel' with both rolls ending up landing on Hida Takeshi, who was extremely not pleased by this. Fortunately, he'd just increased his void rank, so he at least got the extra void point.
The party started in Ishikawa Mura, arriving along with their master, the magistrate Seppun Hirohide
- As a related note: looking things up, I found this map on the L5R wiki :
- Ishikawa Mura doesn't appear that I can see, but with a name meaning "Rock River Village" and being about 6 days ride (so 100 to 200 ish miles?) from the 3rd watchtower would suggest somewhere on the riverbank in the highlands between Hisashiyama Mura and Sunda Mizu Mura.
- The Moshibaru palace isn't on the map either (not that you go there), but the third watchtower is - apparently it has a specific name, Shiro Hiruma (Daylight Castle).
The magistrate essentially announced that he was 'splitting the party', which led to the inevitable (and pre-accounted for by the writers) question 'shouldn't we be going with you'. This goes double since Takeshi and Tsubasa are assigned as Yojimbo bodyguards to the Magistrate, so leaving him when he's going deliberately into danger seemed odd.
- The stock answer sort of worked, but I added that since he was hunting a mahō-tsukai, swords wouldn't be of much use - he would be acquiring the services of some of the Kuni Purifiers to aid him, whilst sending Mishiko as an aide with them in case Keinosuke had any supernatural skills or tainted artefacts of his own.
The party decided to split up and deal with three issues separately.
- Mishiko went into the inn, telling Yoshika to show her to the room, and questioning him about the events. She also searched the room, failing the medicine check to read any signs in the blood spatter, but picking up an opportunity (and finding the whetstones). Once Tsubasa pointed out the incense burner, she then carried out a Commune with the Spirits ritual (somewhat spoiled by the ghost of Hanake, her brother, appearing crouched in the corner silently screaming in terror), which let them pick up that (a) Hida Kayo had been not just killed but sacrificed in some sort of mahō ritual, which somehow involved his bloodline.
- Tsubasa and his attendant went to collect Hida Kayo's remains and - reluctantly - question the burakumin at the same time. The command check was very easy, but he picked up a disturbing amount of strife (presumably the capitol-born, crane-trained samurai finding the Hinin quarter as distasteful as you can imagine*). He subsequently went back to the inn, and helped Mishiko - having a good Martial Arts (Melee) and knowing about Kayo's wounds he was able to pick out the clues in the blood spatter Mishiko couldn't interpret. He also spotted some incense burners, leading to them realising that mahō had been involved.
- Takeshi went to question the rest of the villagers (and ended up meeting Mirumoto Chiaki, who was meditating in a grove on the edge of the village - relocated so each of them had a couple of things to do). Dealing with the villagers was easy enough - command (earth) works pretty well when you're a Crab samurai ordering peasants around in Crab lands, even with no command skill (although there was only so much they could tell him, though " heading towards the wall " covers a pretty wide area, after all). Chiaki was a different matter, and a combination of no courtesy skill, Irrepressable Flirtation and Bluntness left him very close to causing offense, with two successes disappearing in the reroll and only the single remaining explosive success rerolling into a second success let him pass, with no less than 5 strife landing on him whilst trying to not to say something inappropriate.
- The trio then set off for the wall in pursuit of Kienosuke, taking Hida Kayo's remains with them. It took them seven days (via a couple of villages and a Crab sentry post near Kyūden Moshibaru to end up at the Third Watchtower, with Akodo Tsubasa' rank of skulduggery proving useful to help them track Kienosuke more quickly (thinking to flag down and question a couple of travelling tinkers who saw him camp away from a nearby village). In the process, they heard that a Twenty-Goblins-Winter had been declared (Hida Takeshi explaining what it was**), and pretty much already suspected what they were going to find on reaching the Kaiu Wall itself.
- The evidence of the ongoing battles around the watchtower were evident in troop movements. Following some advice I gave myself, I noted that Hida Hiromichi had lost a lot of his officers in the recent fighting, and without his staff he's struggling to reorganise and manage the watchtower's garrison.
- They presented themselves to Hiromichi, who confirmed that Keinosuke was now a Crab Clan Samurai. He took charge of Hida Kayo's remains; saying he would keep them in the Third Watchtower's shrine until he could identify where they should be sent; he had served alongside Hida Kayo for some time but didn't know any details of his family - but said he would inquire where they should go and send them on.
- He also let them know that whilst Kienosuke might be a criminal, at the moment he was obligated to protect him without testimony. He suspected the accuser would be challenged and warned them to be ready.
- Whilst the other two assumed Tsubasa (as a Kakita-trained duellist) would be the one to end up in a duel, Hida Takeshi pointed out that the Fickle Finger Of Fate (aka the discord roll) had pointed at him, and his duty as a servant of the Emerald Magistrature and his desire to be an honoured member of the Crab both were involved here; much as it was likely to cause trouble with someone, and much as Akodo Tsubasa is by far the better duellist, Keinosuke was a Crab Samurai, who they were about to accuse of murdering Hida Kayo, also a Crab Samurai. It was appropriate that the accusation and its prosecution be done by a third Crab Samurai....
- At this point we finished for the evening.
To be honest, the system worked well. It'll take a bit of time to get our heads around the approaches (fire water earth) as opposed to (strength intelligence agility) but it seemed to work well, and the dice mechanics were simple and elegant. Disadvantages and advantages both came into play, and people both passed and failed checks which impacted but never derailed the story.
Flicking back and forth in (what is, to be fair, a .PDF printout) took a while - specifically I knew because I remembered reading that at the end of a scene you recover strife equal to your water ring, but I couldn't find it when I wanted to check (it's on page 17), whilst the rate you heal wounds is in Harm and Healing on page 168. I think learning where things like this, and the opportunity tables, are, will be the main thing to affect the speed of play.
* Inevitable Monty Python jokes started at this point:
"He must be a samurai!"
"How can you tell?"
"He hasn't got s*** all over him...."
** Technically his player miming talking whilst I read out the text and saying "yes, that!" at the end.