Anybody have campaign spoilers? [spoilers, obviously]

By subtrendy2, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Just now, Deadwolf said:

I also got 4 Clawdite Shapeshifters and only 3 deployment cards. I also got 3 Sentry Droid deployment cards but only 4 figures.

Weird. Are the cards Regular or Elite?

1 minute ago, Pollux85 said:

Weird. Are the cards Regular or Elite?

2 regular, 1 elite

5 minutes ago, Deadwolf said:

2 regular, 1 elite

Maybe there's some special circumstance in the campaign where you are able to deploy the 4th, but it has taken the form of some other deployment card completely? Like the Emperor or Maul?

2 hours ago, Deadwolf said:


A couple other things of note are that a hero can only have a total of 2 power tokens at once.

And the Heart of the Empire campaign is 8 missions long total.

I can't see any images :( Tried going to Photobucket as well. Just says "update your account to enable 3rd party hosting"

So that explains the double posts I've seen - Google Chrome is buggy with this site. Reminds me why I prefer Firefox...

Edited by neosmagus
1 hour ago, Armandhammer said:

Thanks for posting the pictures @Deadwolf , beat me to it!

You said hero when you were talking about the power token limitations but just to clarify it says: "Each figure cannot have more than 2 power tokens."

Just finished counting up the new tokens. Here are the results:

Rubble tokens - 22

Shield tokens - 12

So many rubble tokens just for one hero. Kinda seems like a waste of storage space. However, after reviewing the campaign book for a second time, I noticed that some missions start with rubble tokens on the map. As for the shield tokens, it seems like only 2 imperial cards can utilize shield tokens ("Shielded" class card and the "Shields Online" agenda card). Similar to the rubble tokens, shield tokens do start on some of the maps.

Damage tokens - 15

Block power tokens - 11

Surge power tokens - 7

Evade power tokens - 7

*Power token counts include Maul, Emperor and Ahsoka expansions:

Interesting to note that the new campaign book has no mention of component limitations for any of the new tokens. I'm not sure if the Component limitations section in the RRG is applicable to expansions.

No WILD power tokens?

Also, is anyone able to show the supply deck card we're still missing (Shield Pack and Grappler Arm have already been revealed in FFG articles)

Plus, would you be able to post the Agenda cards from the Maul and Palpatine Villain packs?

1 hour ago, Deadwolf said:

2 regular, 1 elite

This is the normal distribution since Jabba's Realm.

it means that you don't have to buy 4 boxes to get enough regular deployment cards to field 4 regulards in a skirmish team.

That said, the 4 Clawdite figures confuses me more than the 3 deployment cards. That's a bit odd.

I haven't gotten my copy and obviously haven't played it yet, but I think it's the first time we see a -dodge ability on the REBEL side

My concern: the "reactive defense" deck seems to be built around 88-Z companion, spoiled from this article


So after the Rebels got that lv.3 sniper rifle wouldn't they just 1-shot 88-Z? Then BAM almost none of the Imperial class cards works anymore because 88-Z is dead

Sure you can exhaust your starter card to deploy it but Rebels would just try to constantly take out 88-Z as their 1st activation'

TL;DR: The entire "Reactive Defense" class will be significantly weakened if 88-Z is dead, and Rebels will constantly have the ability to do that once they get that sniper rifle

8 hours ago, Deadwolf said:


A couple other things of note are that a hero can only have a total of 2 power tokens at once.

And the Heart of the Empire campaign is 8 missions long total.

I can't see the pictures... what can i do ? haha

1 minute ago, naitsirk said:

I can't see the pictures... what can i do ? haha

You could update his account to enable 3rd party hosting ?

Just now, Suhawk75 said:

You could update his account to enable 3rd party hosting ?

but this means $$$ ¿?

Just now, naitsirk said:

but this means $$$ ¿?

I was just joking of course ?

Might have missed it in an article somewhere but: What is the time period and general storyline on the HotE campaign?

6 hours ago, Majushi said:

No WILD power tokens?

Also, is anyone able to show the supply deck card we're still missing (Shield Pack and Grappler Arm have already been revealed in FFG articles)

Plus, would you be able to post the Agenda cards from the Maul and Palpatine Villain packs?

No wild power tokens.

"When an ability instructs a player to gain a number of (wild power token symbol), that player gains that number of power tokens of his choice."

36 minutes ago, Gallanteer said:

Might have missed it in an article somewhere but: What is the time period and general storyline on the HotE campaign?

1. No time period in order to allow a more open-ended experience (similar to Jabba's Realm - I think FFG is done with Time Periods)

2. "You start with Dark Recon, flying over the busy streets of Coruscant toward a rendezvous point with a group of local contacts claiming to have information on a team of Rebels that recently went missing. ... once the heroes learn that the missing Rebels had been trying to locate a powerful artifact before the Emperor could get his hands on it, they'll find their mission leads them swiftly into a series of heated conflicts with many of these forces."

Edited by Armandhammer

Bleh, Sorry about the pictures. :(

No worries! Sad I missed them, though, but image hosting is a fickle thing. :P

Does Imgur work here?

I mean, worst case scenario, we could at least get a link to imgur.

The claw guy looks like a bit of a bust, I'm disappointed they didn't go with fist weapon synergies for his abilities the way Jyn and Verena work with pistols. All the abilities that require him to use that terrible starting weapon could have required a fist weapon instead. All he would need is an ability that adds an upgrade slot to a fist weapon. Guess those gauntlets are going to keep sitting unused in the item deck.

The other two heroes look solid. I love that Kotun boosts herself as well as her team mates and can actually contribute to the fight. Same design philosophy they used with Hera.

34 minutes ago, Tvboy said:

All the abilities that require him to use that terrible starting weapon could have required a fist weapon instead.

I was thinking about this a bit last night and there is one small upside to the dice pool (YY) of his starting weapon when used with Leaping Slash - it would be a fairly reliable way to gain power tokens prior to performing an attack (even more-so when combined with Power Charger ). Whether or not such an ability is worth 4XP is debatable but the chances of rolling at least one surge (even against a white die) has to be pretty good. With that said, Leaping Slash does feel a bit over-costed, even with the up to 2 spaces of movement; given the fact that it requires using his starting weapon for the first attack, I would have expected such an ability to be more like 3XP.

Edited by machfalcon
realized Jarrod's starting weapon has surge for damage power token

@usafmunk posted @Deadwolf 's images on imugr:

Big thanks to the both of 'em.

Spoiler talk about some the cards:

  • I pretty much agree with @Tvboy about Jarrod. His 4XP Leaping slash card seems like a waste as it relies on a starting weapon. I guess pierce 2 is pretty powerful. I'm sure J4X will be fun to use
  • Ko-Tun's Inch by inch is an alternative tactical movement, hehe.
  • Focusing Beam is just aesthetically off-putting for me. Art looks like it's straight out of He-man. I can't find any information on the web either. How the **** can a melee weapon have a sight attachment?
  • All the Rewards look nice. Shout out to C1 Comlink from the supply cards making it's way over into the reward pile as Intercepted Plans
Edited by Armandhammer

The thing i like about Vibro-Claws with Leaping Strike is that you will be able to use the damage token in the main attack. 1 strain for 2 movement and a weaker attack is a fair deal but it does kind of pale compared to Mak's No Escape.

My main issue with it is the Pierce 2 surge does not synergize with the passive Pierce 1 from J4X-7. 2 +1 dmg surges would have been way better. No mod slot slot doesnt help either.

Edited by Deadwolf

On the bright side, the Embrace Suffering from the Power of the Dark Side set looks like a whole lot of fun. Even if you don't want to spend the 2 threat to do the attack each turn, it will be so much fun trying to watch the rebels try to play around it

Embrace Suffering is a pretty powerful effect in the late campaign. The timing is such that it happens after you gain threat, so at least you dont have to save threat in the case that you might use it.

But i think I am more inclined to get the other 4xp skill and various other skills. I like the balance of offense and defense in the deck.