C-3PO, R-3PO, K-3PO

By TauntaunScout, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

I don't know where else to post this besides painting.

So here's my conundrum. I don't really like playing with the unique movie characters. I guess this comes from my background in old D6 Star Wars. I like to play my own custom army of gritty rebel grunts.

I also really like Hoth. So I am thinking of painting up my C-3PO as one of the Hoth protocol droids and pairing him with elite Echo base troopers.

My question is this. Anyone got any GOOD pics of the red "R-3PO"? He'd add some much needed color to my army. But I can't find anything but a blurry movie still which, quite frankly, could just be an out of focus C-3PO. I'm beginning to suspect he was invented to sell "special edition" action figures.

White K-3PO is good and nostalgic for me but he's yet another white model. I might have to invent my own rebel protocol droid/astromech duo and paint them up. I like kelly green for a protocol droid for some reason and it would contrast well with a white snowy base.

Under my thread I actually painted an R-3PO & K-3PO.

r-3po.jpg r3po_2.jpg

These are the images I used to paint mine and here is a film still showing he was in fact in the movie.


I painted the mini in silver then layered a crimson wash and then layers of a black wash.

My K-3PO was a from a second C-3PO and R2-D2 pack and my K-3PO was a second 0-0-0 and BT-1 pack.

Thanks! That looks really cool. Putting ink on metallics does a nice job I agree. The answer to most weird metals is not metallic paint, but a colored ink orver silver or gold. I will probably paint mine red... time will tell. I'm also really feeling a green MHD figure for my Hoth rebel army.

Edit: I am slowly painting up a skirmish force meant to represent a rebel cell on Draenell's Point. It is a mining planet under control of Imperial crony corporations. I will post pics when the lighting gods favor me. Draenell's Point is stuck at -5 to 15 degrees Celsius all year round. Extremely heavy tides and other factors spread the heat around so there is normally less than 5 degrees variation from pole to equator. Obviously, rebels would be in their Hoth gear in such an environment. I don't usually paint for "Hoth" per se but generic cold weather warfare in the Star Wars universe, you see.

Now for a second question. Anyone tried painting Saska Teft up to look like a Snowspeeder pilot? Maybe save that one for another topic.

Edited by TauntaunScout
On 10/12/2017 at 3:07 PM, TauntaunScout said:

Now for a second question. Anyone tried painting Saska Teft up to look like a Snowspeeder pilot? Maybe save that one for another topic.

Actually I painted mine as more of an x-wing pilot


Now that's what I'm talkin' about. I'll have to do that. Everyone says she's not worth the points, but how else am I supposed to get a wampa? :)