After several sessions, we have found that the rules themselves work mostly well. We have debates on the strengths of the stances, but mostly, agree the system works and is enjoyable.
The problem we have now is that we need more content to judge how things are balanced.
Weapons and armor feel very incomplete. That's a section we are having a lot of issues and are hoping we aren't using the full intended rules.
The schools are a huge area that could cause massive issues. We have no way to make any real conclusions if they are balanced because we have so many missing that could throw a wrench into the entire system.
Same with katas and such. We know there will be many more. Without those, it's impossible to determine the balance and effectiveness of schools and the items themselves.
This leads to my point. Is this truly a beta like the 40k one, where we found so many issues that the book was rewritten, or is this a glorified sneak peak? If it's supposed to be a true beta, then we will need the missing information as well as an update when things are changed due to playtesting.
I truly hope FFG gives us the ability to truly beta test this game since its so near and dear to it's player base.