On 10/21/2017 at 11:39 AM, AradonTemplar said:Under 'modifiers' of the Rules Reference:
"Modifiers Some abilities may ask players to modify values. The game state constantly checks and (if necessary) updates the count of any variable quantity that is being modified."
This would include anything from Fine Katanas to Wandering Ronin's ability to Banzai and other events, by my reading. 'Base skill' was defined as before any modifiers. So it sounds like the rules don't distinguish between modifiers and your 'continuous' modifiers. The only reason Way of the Lion actually changes the base skill is because it directly says to change the base value on the card.
So just to make sure I have it straight: essentially, "base value" generally refers to "printed value", except where the base value has been explicitly affected (such as with Way of the Lion)?
45 minutes ago, BigKahuna said:@Shizrak Yeah I don't get the "I expected one thing and got another"? At won't point did anyone say they wouldn't release all 6 expansion packs in 6 weeks? Did you not buy 3 core sets and get 3 core sets? Just because you had an expectation of a particular model even though at no point did anyone set that expectation other than "previous games", working under the assumption that because one game did it X way, all games from here until the end of time must do it the same or they what cheated you somehow?
I just don't get this logical and just to be clear, I think you are absolutely dead wrong about the community adoption rate, the exact opposite is proven to be true about cycles and adoption of games beyond a shadow of a doubt. No collectible game is worth a crap until at least one cycle is complete and even then its generally considered "underdeveloped". The most common complaint on release of any core set for any game up until this point has always been "not enough content"... be it a miniature game or card game.. its always the same.. "got the core set, disappointed, this game will be great when more content is released"... This is ALWAYS the routine, I can't think of a single game in 30 years of playing games where this has not been the case which is why I find this logical absolutely puzzling. It makes absolutely not sense whatsoever. Quite literally this is the first time FFG or any company I have ever heard that actually listened to the complaints and made an attempt to remedy the problem by actually giving us the much needed content we are ALWAYS ******* about when they do a release.
This entire thread is like opposite day, Bizzaro world stuff... so weird to hear these complaints.
This seems to happen to every game at some point or another. People are dissatisfied with a decision, they see some other people also dissatisfied, and so they assume that the majority of the community is dissatisfied and claim that the game is going to be dead because of that decision. Sometimes it happens, but that's rare enough that I'm content to just say that if they don't like the game anymore, then so long; and if they decide to give it a go again somewhere down the line, we'll welcome them back with open arms!