Overall, I really like the strife mechanism. It encourages players to balance risk with reward. In intrigues, duels, and mass battles, accumulating strife can provide significant advantages to the player. However, failing to manage ones strife also comes with significant risk of failure. That is, excessive strife build up in an intrigue can cause one to fail in that intrigue. Excessive strife build up in a duel can cause one to fail in that duel. Excessive strife build up in a mass battle can cause one to fail in that mass battle.
Then we have skirmishes. As far as I can tell, other than the enraged effect, the penalties to outbursts in a skirmish are purely social. Outbursts in a skirmish may cost a character honor and glory. They may make subsequent intrigues more likely to fail. However, they do not lead to failure in the skirmish itself. I'm not sure that's a good way to balance the game. When fighting Oni and goblins, there needs to be a downside to excessive strife accumulation in the skirmish itself. The enraged state isn't mandatory; and even if it were, it's not clear that it's a downside at all.