Yorkshire Corellian Conflict

By Mad Cat, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Our club is starting the Corellian Conflict campaign for the first time so I thought I would start a campaign report thread.
I encouraged all our players to sign up for these Forums. So we have...

ISD2, ECM, Motti
Interdictor-S, Grav Shift
Raider-1, External Racks
Gozanti, Comms Net
IG88, 4 TIE-D
Objectives - Classified

ISD-II, Gunnery Teams, Darth Vader
VSD-II, Disposable Capacitors
VSD-II, Disposable Capacitors
Gozanti Cruisers, Comms Net
Objectives - Classified

@Mad Cat
Arquitens CL, RBDs, Moff JerJerrod
Arquitens CL, Needa
GSD1, Demolisher
Quasar1, Flight Controllers
Howlrunner, 4 TIE-I, Zertek Storm
Objectives - Classified

CR90A, TRCs, General Rieekan
AFIIB, Boosted Comms
MC30c-T, APTs
Hammerhead T, Cham Syndulla
GR75 T, Boosted Comms
Jan, Luke, Green Squadron, Farlander, Han, Rogue Squadron
Objectives: Classified

@Lizard Overlord
MC80C, Ackbar
Nebulon B Escort, Yavaris
2 A-Wings, Y-Wing, Nora Wexley, X-Wing
Objectives - Classified

AFII-B, Boosted Comms, Sato
Nebulon B Support Frigate, DTTs
Nebulon B Support Frigate, Salvation
GR75 T
Tycho, Shara, Hera, Wedge, YT2400, X-Wing
Objectives: Classified

Fleet selection is taking place this week. Monday 23 30 Oct will be our first game.
House rule is that no more than one upgrade may be added to each ship each round.

Edit: Fleets tweaked after our practice games.

Edited by Mad Cat

My fleet is:

Akbar, MC80 Battlecruiser, intel officer

Nebulon B escort frigate, Yvaris

Corvette A, turbolaser reroute circuits

Corvette A, turbolaser reroute circuits

Dash Rendar, A-wing, A-wing, Y-wing Gold squadron, Nora Wexley (yorkshire lass?) in Y-wing, X-wing

Objectives: Inscrutable, Mysterious, and Unknown

Edited by Lizard Overlord
update info

I may change my list around based on which boxes I can actually still get in the UK (since all the Empire bits will be new. I only own a VSD from the core set right now)/how well my practice game goes.

My fleet is (400pts):

Leia (Admiral), Nebulon B Escort Frigate, XI7 Turbolasers

Nebulon B Escort Frigate, XI7 Turbolasers

Nebulon B Escort Frigate, XI7 Turbolasers

Nebulon B Escort Frigate, XI7 Turbolasers

Biggs Darklighter, 7x X-Wings

Objectives: Classified

On reflection, and as we are still in the fleet building stage, I have changed the fleet to the following (still 400 pts):

Commander Sato (Admiral), Nebulon B Escort Frigate, XI7 Turbolasers

Nebulon B Escort Frigate, XI7 Turbolasers

Nebulon B Escort Frigate, XI7 Turbolasers

Nebulon B Escort Frigate, XI7 Turbolasers

Biggs Darklighter, Wedge Antilles, 2x X-Wings, Jan Ors, Shara Bey, Tycho Celchu

Objectives: Classified

Correlian Conflict Jammers

Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 397/400

Commander: General Rieekan

Assault Objective: Custom Objective
Defense Objective: Custom Objective
Navigation Objective: Custom Objective

MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63 points)
- Assault Proton Torpedoes ( 5 points)
= 68 total ship cost

[ flagship ] CR90 Corvette A (44 points)
- General Rieekan ( 30 points)
- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits ( 7 points)
= 81 total ship cost

Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36 points)
- Cham Syndulla ( 5 points)
= 41 total ship cost

Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
- Boosted Comms ( 4 points)
= 76 total ship cost

GR-75 Medium Transports (18 points)
- Boosted Comms ( 4 points)
= 22 total ship cost

1 Shara Bey ( 17 points)
1 Jan Ors ( 19 points)
1 Luke Skywalker ( 20 points)
1 X-Wing Squadron ( 13 points)
1 Han Solo ( 26 points)
1 Rogue Squadron ( 14 points)

And now it looks even more like the Rebels arent talking to each other.

On 10/14/2017 at 10:48 AM, Rangeryork said:

On reflection, and as we are still in the fleet building stage, I have changed the fleet to the following (still 400 pts):

Commander Sato (Admiral), Nebulon B Escort Frigate, XI7 Turbolasers

Nebulon B Escort Frigate, XI7 Turbolasers

Nebulon B Escort Frigate, XI7 Turbolasers

Nebulon B Escort Frigate, XI7 Turbolasers

Biggs Darklighter, Wedge Antilles, 2x X-Wings, Jan Ors, Shara Bey, Tycho Celchu

Objectives: Classified

Unfortunately I need to take Jan and Shara to make my fleet work. You okay to revert to your old list/choose other fighters?

Guys, I cannot make Monday 23rd due to a meeting at Uni running until 9pm, unfortunately I cannot get out of this meeting. I can meet my first opponent the Monday after. Since I cannot be there for the admin phase, one of the two other rebel players is Welcome to be Grand Admiral

Ssssithering along . . . .

Edited by Lizard Overlord

Having talked to the other rebel admirals. We are happy to start the campaign on Monday the 30th instead. Would that be suitable to the Imperial Admirals?

So it seems almost everyone is fine moving to Monday the 30th.

Only ones left left to confirm are Mad Cat and Alan.

Yes last night at the gaming club we scheduled some extra practice games for 23rd:

JerJerrod v Ackbar
Sloane v Sato.

Also we will hopefully get the first campaign round pairings done on the 23rd too. All in time for the first games on the 30th.

30th is good for me. I'm playing our lizard friend on the 23rd for a practice game and the 30th as part of the campaign unless things change. I've amended my fleet too. Changed disposable capacitors to XI7s and dropped Zertek. He's been transferred to Mad Cat by the looks of things and I'm getting his Black Squadron in return.

Edited by Bolshevik65

Excellent news, okay Admiral Rangeryork

How are we for the fighters? do you mind changing or would you rather stick to your current list?

Unfortunately I do need the 2 A-wing specials to allow me to keep close to enemy ships so that Sato can work. I can give up Jan Ors and rework that part of my fleet though.

Dropping Jan Ors, my Squadrons now become: Tycho Celchu, Shara Bey, Hera Syndulla, Wedge Antilles, Corran Horn & an X-Wing which brings my fleet to 399pts. Hope that is okay.

As a rookie Imperial Admiral, fresh out of the academy, I've changed my list about to something a little simpler:

ISD-II, Darth Vader, Gunnery Teams

VSD-II, Disposable Capacitors

VSD-II, Disposable Capacitors

Gozanti Cruisers, Comms Net

TIE Fighters x3

TIE Advanced

I will be joining you guys this coming Monday, and might end up sniping @Mad Cat 's game, since I need the practice.

CC list (here is my final list)

Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 398/400

Commander: General Rieekan

Assault Objective: Custom Objective
Defense Objective: Custom Objective
Navigation Objective: Custom Objective

Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
- Boosted Comms ( 4 points)
= 76 total ship cost

MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63 points)
- Assault Proton Torpedoes ( 5 points)
= 68 total ship cost

[ flagship ] CR90 Corvette A (44 points)
- General Rieekan ( 30 points)
- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits ( 7 points)
= 81 total ship cost

Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36 points)
- Cham Syndulla ( 5 points)
= 41 total ship cost

GR-75 Medium Transports (18 points)
- Boosted Comms ( 4 points)
= 22 total ship cost

1 Jan Ors ( 19 points)
1 Luke Skywalker ( 20 points)
1 Green Squadron ( 12 points)
1 Wedge Antilles ( 19 points)
1 Han Solo ( 26 points)
1 Rogue Squadron ( 14 points)

Sorry, swap out Wedge for Kyan Farlander

Edited by Jammers

Monday night we had our practice games and tweaked (or in two cases hacked) our fleets for the last time.

We then got the CC map out and chose some systems....

The Imperial tax collecting centres are Corellia, Tralus, Forvand & Nubia.
Rumors of Rebel activity has been reported in Corfai, Duro, Polanis, Raider's Point & Saberhing Asteroid Belt.

  • Sato has been reported heading for the Sacorra system with Moff Jerjerrod intercepting to maintain Galactic peace & harmony.
  • Motti will investigate reports in the Drall system where Rieekan has been rumored.
  • Ackbar will be setting a trap in the Selonia system hoping to catch the forces of Lord Vader.

Games taking place on October 30th.

The Battle of Drall:

Repots indicated General Rieekan has been skulking around the region. Commiting random acts of aggression designed to provoke a response. The Empire tired of his impetuous aces tying down wing of fighters responed with ultimate force. Admiral Motti was dispatched to quell the rabid general. From the moment the two fleets met it was a game of cat and mouse. Admiral Motti used his spies to fool Rieekan into deploying the majority of his figheters to the edge of the combat zone. Redeploying one ship to rejoin the main force. Rieekan knew there was only one way out, pin down one of Motti's ships, kill it, then outmaneuver the rest. Motti moved his ships in line, rammign through the dangerous territory without a care in the world. Rieekan moved deliberately, choosing every shot. But there had to be an exchange. Rieekan ordered his Hammerhead to block Motti's Interdictor in place. The Hammerhead died, but the Interdictor was next. After making a successful attack run with all fighters hammering the target, the Interdictor was left burning in space. Motti's ISD was out of position and the rest of his fleet unable to join the battle, the day went to Rieekan.

Total Casualties

Rebel Alliance: Jan, Rouge Squadron, Hammerhead Torpedo

Imperial: Interdictor, 2 Tie Defenders

Mission: Dangerous Territory - Equal Number of objective points scored.

Victory to the Rebels.

Edited by Jammers

The Trap in Selonia:

Upon hearing reports of of the presence of rebel Admiral Ackbar planning to bring Selonia in the treasonous rebellion, Lord Vader was quick to act. Ackbar laid a trap for the aggressive lord of the Sith near an orbiting station above Selonia. However, using the mystic arts of the force, Vader was able to see through the ruse. Ignoring the rebel command ship acting as bait, the entire fleet turned to engage CR90s sneaking around the flanks, while a screen of TIE fighters kept rebel snubfighters from reaching the Star Destroyers. After a withering hail of firepower, all three of the rebel corvettes were forced to return to hidden rebel bases to repair critical damage. The trap foiled, Ackbar ordered his remaining ships to disengage, and flee into hyperspace.

Slanderous rebel misinformation reports that Lord Vader "punished" at least one of his underlings for allowing the infamous rebel Admiral to escape his clutches, and the Corellian Pacification Fleet under Vader is making full speed towards to eliminate any rebel base in an act of brutal revenge for this escape.

Injured Ships:

Rebel Alliance: A-Wing Squadron, CR-90A x3

Imperial Navy: None

Objective: Precision Strike - Rebel bombers were unable to penetrate the TIE screen to perform precise attacks against the Star Destroyers. No points scored.

Imperial Corellian Pacification Campaign Report

  • Admiral Motti reports minor defeat above Drall.
  • Moff Jerjerrod reports rebels in rout Sacorria, at the cost of heavy damage.
  • Lord Vader reports rebel forces in full retreat from Selonia, a major blow to the Alliance.
  • All Imperial fleets have been reinforced, and an Imperial base has been established on Selonia to ensure peace and order in that region.

  • Fresh from his success, General Rieekan has commenced raids on Imperial shipping to bolster the rebel fleets. Moff Jerjerrod has been dispatched to intercept him near Centerpoint Station.
  • Filled with anger, Lord Vader is "investigating" reports of rebel activity around the Saberhing Asteroid Belt. Commander Sato has been tasked with defending the valuable belt.
  • Bloodied but unbent, Admiral Ackbar is attempting to bring Xyguine into the Rebel Alliance, something which Admiral Motti has been established to "deal with".

Additionally, my updated list after reinforcements:

ISD-II, Gunnery Teams, Agent Kallus, Darth Vader
VSD-II, Disposable Capacitors, Gunnery Teams
VSD-II, Disposable Capacitors, Gunnery Teams
Gozanti Cruisers, Comms Net
Objectives - Most Wanted, Contested Outpost, Dangerous Territory

Apologies to John for being a grumpy bugger last night. Came to the table wrong-headed with the wrong fleet, deployed wrongly, and played badly. Good choice of fleet John. Well played and a well-deserved win John!