2 hours ago, goncardoso said:amazing job indeed.. well done i wished i could paint like that. what was the hardest for you ? maul ?
Thanks. I would say probably Maul was the hardest but Terro took the longest.
2 hours ago, goncardoso said:amazing job indeed.. well done i wished i could paint like that. what was the hardest for you ? maul ?
Thanks. I would say probably Maul was the hardest but Terro took the longest.
A few close-ups of the heroes I've finished so far and some Rebel Troopers:
Diala and Gaarkhan
Gideon and Mak
Lookin' good!
11 minutes ago, Force Majeure said:Lookin' good!
Thank you! And this, for good measure, is what I've completed so far:
Good stuff.
When I noticed the detail on the squad unit markers I could not contain a reflexive "oh Fxxx you!"
I assure you it was out of awe and respect.
Fenn Signis
Hardly a masterpiece, but notable for having been left sadly incomplete when my players were choosing heroes for our campaign, and yet suddenly finished now that the app's been announced and I get to play rebels myself. Hmmm...
On 10/10/2017 at 2:44 PM, Srba said:Hi IA Community. Just wanted to join in the sharing of painted minis, pretty much as a way of congratulating myself for the stamina it's taken to do this. I've painted minis before, but never tried to do this many, and have certainly never slogged through as many similar minis as the stormtroopers. One month in I've nearly finished the base set and have done a few others besides.
I've pretty much gone by-the-book with the paint scheme. I'm happy that I've managed to keep the quality fairly good but I did end up rushing some of the less interesting ones. Anyway, here are my factions so far. I'll chuck in some close-ups later if anybody's interested:
Any feedbacks for improvement very gratefully received.
Finally getting stuck into the app. Really enjoying it so far.
Ugh, we just did that mission and forgot that it is still imp assault and not a role playing game.
On 24/11/2017 at 6:05 PM, Srba said:Hardly a masterpiece, but notable for having been left sadly incomplete when my players were choosing heroes for our campaign, and yet suddenly finished now that the app's been announced and I get to play rebels myself. Hmmm...
Devious. As a good IP should be
BT-1 and 0-0-0. I'd put these guys' mission into my agenda deck because of their nice, low deployment costs, but I've never read the comics so didn't have enough of a connection to the characters to want to paint them.
However, I didn't want to get to a point in our campaign where I drew their mission and we had to play with unpainted minis, so I bashed these out as quickly as I could. Only spent a couple of hours on the pair of them but I'm really surprised how they turned out. Amazing what some drybrushing and washes can do.
I did miss out a few details on BT-1 since I was pressed for time and was only working from a picture of his top half. Might go back and put those in later, but he works on the tabletop now at least.
Edited by SrbaOn 11/01/2018 at 8:27 PM, Srba said:BT-1 and 0-0-0. I'd put these guys' mission into my agenda deck because of their nice, low deployment costs, but I've never read the comics so didn't have enough of a connection to the characters to want to paint them.
However, I didn't want to get to a point in our campaign where I drew their mission and we had to play with unpainted minis, so I bashed these out as quickly as I could. Only spent a couple of hours on the pair of them but I'm really surprised how they turned out. Amazing what some drybrushing and washes can do.
I did miss out a few details on BT-1 since I was pressed for time and was only working from a picture of his top half. Might go back and put those in later, but he works on the tabletop now at least.
You should read the comics. These guys have to be my favourite duo
Got onto a bit of a minor roll and manage to get Murne Rin done too.
Also managed to get Davith done. Productive weekend.
I felt I just had to come here to say how much I haaaaaaaate painting stormtroopers. But, I had a good session speed-painting some heavies and tusken raiders tonight so I should have some more minis to post soon.
I’ve started to learn to pick my battles a bit better now - not wasting my time trying to get basic mooks look just right when they’re hardly going to be looked at. My collection is definitely growing faster than my painting is keeping up...
Done with heavies and tuskens. Nice to get a whole box worth of imperial figures out of the way quickly.
Next stop: Jabba’s Realm.
1 hour ago, Srba said:Next stop: Jabba’s Realm.
You will find the Jet Troopers much more enjoyable to paint than the Stormtroopers from the core box or the heavies, because by that point the sculpts for Imperial Assault have become much more refined and cleaner. I had a blast painting the Jet Troopers.
On 2/3/2018 at 10:44 AM, Fourtytwo said:
You will find the Jet Troopers much more enjoyable to paint than the Stormtroopers from the core box or the heavies, because by that point the sculpts for Imperial Assault have become much more refined and cleaner. I had a blast painting the Jet Troopers.
Plus their arms aren't crossed, so you can actually get your brush to all of the figure!
22 minutes ago, udat said:Plus their arms aren't crossed, so you can actually get your brush to all of the figure!
So much this! The Riot Troopers are also pretty fun, as there's no "tricky to reach" bits
I haven’t painted much recently, but I managed to get my Rancor done today. Really enjoyed painting this as the skin is so well textured. Managed to do almost everything with washes. Aside from priming, this took me about 90 minutes. There are lots of things that I could have done better, but this guy may only get 2 or 3 uses tops in campaign so I felt this was enough.
It's been a while since I painted any IA, but after seeing Solo, I was inspired to paint some scum heroes:
Weequays and Gamorreans
Adding these on a mobile device so sorry if they come out a crazy size...
Almost all of Jabba's Realm in preparation for the APP campaign. Can't find Shyla atm, but I'm sure she's about here somewhere: