Character Creation report: Iuchi Yugure, Bookish Shugenja, Seeker of Friendship

By Nitenman, in Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Beta

So, continuing exploring what kind of weird/funny/atypical characters I can make who isn't your typical warrior. Like for my other Characters, feel free to use her as an NPC or to test some mechanics.

After taking inspiration from cooking anime, French Literature and Japan pop Singer, time comes for the Unicorn to have a personality inspired by my daughter's favorite Character:

Iuchi Yugure (F), Unicorn Clan, Meishodo Master, “Bookish” Shugenja, Seeker of Friendship

Rings : Air 2, Earth 2, Fire 1, Water 3, Void 2

Skills: Survival 1, Fitness 1, Theology 2, Meditation 1, Design 1

Techniques available : Invocations, Shūji, Rituals

Starting Techniques:

Invocations: Jurojin’s balm, Rushing Wave

Rituals: commune with spirits

Shuji: Weight of Duty

School Ability: Way of Names

Glory : 48

Honor : 50

Status : 30

Equipment: Traveling clothes, wakizashi, Tanto, calligraphy set, traveling pack, Unicorn warhorse, 8 koku .

Distinction Advantage: Precise Memory (Earth)

Passion Advantage: Stories (Earth)

Adversity Disadvantage: Gaijin Culture

Anxiety Disadvantage: Impatience (Earth)

Mentor Advantage: Passion Travel (Water)

Derived Attributes:

Resilience (Water Ring + Earth Ring) x 2: 10

Focus (Fire Ring + Air Ring): 3

Composure (Earth Ring + Fire Ring) x 2: 6

Vigilance (Air Ring + Water Ring) / 2: 3

Void Points: 1

GIRI: Make friends for the benefit of the Unicorn and regularly report on what she learned

NINJO: Teach the magic of Meishodo to her friends shugenja

Edited by Nitenman

Now for the 20 questions:

Part I: Core Identity (Clan and Family)

1. What clan does your character belong to?

Ring Increase: +1 water

Skill Increase: +1 survival

Status: 30

2. What family does your character belong to?

Ring Increase: +1 air

Skill Increases: +1 fitness, +1 theology

Glory: 40

Part II: Role and School

3. What is your character’s role and school?

Iuchi Meishodo Master

Ring Increases: +1 earth, +1 water

Skill Increases: +1 meditation, +1 theology, +1 design

Techniques Available : Invocations, Shūji, Rituals

Starting Techniques:

Invocations: Jurojin’s balm, Rushing Wave

Rituals: commune with spirits

Shuji: Weight of Duty

Honor: 40

(School Ability): Way of Names

Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, wakizashi, any one weapon, calligraphy set, traveling pack, Unicorn warhorse, 8 koku.

4. How does your character stand out within their school?

Ring Increase: Self-awareness, insight, or mysticism +1 Void

Part III: Honor and Glory

5. What is your character’s duty to their lord?

Lord Iuchi Tennoki

Make friends for the benefit of Unicorn and regularly report on what she learns

6. What does your character long for?

Teach the magic of Meishodo to her friends

7. What is your character’s opinion of their clan?

Clan believer +5 glory

8. What does your character think of Bushidō?

Bushido believer +10 honor

Part IV: Strengths and Weaknesses

9 What is your character’s greatest accomplishment so far?

Distinction advantage: Precise Memory (Earth)

10. What holds your character back the most in life?

Adversity disadvantage: Gaijin Culture

11. What activity makes your character feel at peace?

Passion Advantage: Stories (Earth)

12. What concern, fear, or foible troubles your character the most?

Anxiety disadvantage: (Impatience) Earth

13 Who has your character learned the most from during their life?

Iuchi Tennoki (Yes, it means celestial…)

1 Mentor Advantage Passion Travel

14. What detail do others find most striking about your character?

Purple died hair with a pink strand

15. How does your character react to stressful situations?

OCD, need to organize and classify everything, mutters to herself

16. What are your character’s preexisting relationships with other clans, families, organizations, and traditions?

Not much, Yugure just arrived in town to make new friends

Part VI: Ancestry and Family

17. How would your character’s parents describe them?

Bookish, and not easily going towards others

18. Who was your character named to honor?

Roll 2 d10 and check heritage table

Discovery, +3 Glory, +1 Government

19. What is your character’s personal name?

Yugure (Yes, it means Twilight…)

Part VII: Death

20. How should your character die?

Protecting her friends

Edited by Nitenman

Let me guess, your daughter's favourite character is Twilight Sparkle.

Well, after reading the 20 questions, that is not really anylonger a guess, but rather obvious. I like the character, seems very accurate depiction of her.

19 minutes ago, Drudenfusz said:

I like the character, seems very accurate depiction of her.


I'm quite fond of MLP to be honest (while not being a brony though), so least I could do was to make an actual good tribute to Twilight Sparkle.

Thing is, right now, the Beta does not provide me the schools that would let me convert the characters of my current players (Mirumoto bushi, Matsu Berserkers, Daidoji Iron Warrior) and I just introduced them to 4th ed 3 weeks before the beta release. They have no previous P&P RPG experience and really like their current characters, so I don't really want to say: Ok guys, forget it we re-roll characters so I can test the Beta.

Thats why I'm having my fun making those "Weird" Characters, like the Ikoma Bard (who is inspired by Gackt/visual kei acts) and the Two folks from Liaisons Dangereuses (which I believe are rather accurate also depiction of Valmont and Merteuil). It helps me dig into the system's guts, and make non typical characters to test some situations.

Still need to make a Phoenix and a Crab now.