Um, what card sleeves?

By Deathseed, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Realizing my typical black backed Fleer sleeves won't work for this, what clear card sleeve size (relative to FFG supply) should I be acquiring for L5R?

Just now, Deathseed said:

Realizing my typical black backed Fleer sleeves won't work for this, what clear card sleeve size (relative to FFG supply) should I be acquiring for L5R?

I can't find the FFG magic number for their card sleeves (I want to say 1 and 5), but the cards are standard american CCG sized. So if you buy sleeves for MTG, those should work. As for clear ones, just remember they are not legal for official organized play (But you are welcome to use them for casual).

Dragon shield clear, amazing to shuffle, and I can see the backs of the cards

1 hour ago, Mirith said:

As for clear ones, just remember they are not legal for official organized play (But you are welcome to use them for casual).

Has this been confirmed somewhere (for L5R specifically)? I'm only thinking of going clear on the province cards, because they have gorgeous backs and I'll be grumpy if I have to cover even those up.

Edited by Ide Yoshiya

I dont understand why you have to use opaque sleeves. Sure, if you are using promo cards they have different print qualities, but if you are just using the original cards they should all be the same.

For most games I find the back of the cards prettier to look at than the colored sleeve back.

We don't know the exact wording of the L5R Tournament Rules yet.

Game of Thrones has:
Card Sleeves
Players are required to sleeve each draw deck and plot deck in opaque card sleeves for Formal
and Premier events. Players may use different sleeves between decks, but all sleeves within a
single draw or plot deck must be identical in size, color, texture, and condition. At Relaxed
events, if a player is not using opaque card sleeves, he or she must make sure that all card backs
in each of their decks have a uniform appearance. Players should bring a few spare sleeves for
each of their decks in case a card sleeve breaks or becomes unusable during a tournament.

This may change for L5R, as FFG may want to add in the deck backers are also not allowed (this has been confirmed).

Currently, if I were to judge a Premier L5R event, and somebody was called out as having clear sleeves, I'd quickly inspect the decks, and permit the player to continue with clear sleeves if nothing was amiss, and all cards were uniform, as per Relaxed Event rules.

Of course, this would depend on what the L5R Rules would say, and whether I'd had enough coffee or not that morning. :D

Are the Provinces randomly drawn? If not, they could be in clear sleeves right?

15 minutes ago, Sixter said:

Are the Provinces randomly drawn? If not, they could be in clear sleeves right?

NOTE: Province placement is not random. You choose where they go.

Re: Clear Sleeves on Provinces
This will all come down to the L5R Tournament Rules.
My guess is that they will have to be in opaque sleeves, but can be different colours than your other decks. (Similar to plot deck in AGoT).

However, since they are not random, and you are permitted to look at your facedown province cards (not the cards in the province), I argue that clear sleeves are perfectly fine.
Since marking the backs gives you no mechanical advantage at all.

If anything marking the Provinces will provide your opponent with an advantage.

OT: Except for the Stronghold I like to shuffle Provinces and play them face down without looking as I place them to prevent any chance of my opponent "reading" me or discovering a pattern.

One of the concerns is promos look slightly different because of the different printing source. While we don't have any promo provinces right now, it's not out of the question that we may have them in future.

Just now, Zesu Shadaban said:

One of the concerns is promos look slightly different because of the different printing source. While we don't have any promo provinces right now, it's not out of the question that we may have them in future.

But as Tokhuah said, it provides your opponent with the advantage, not you.

IMO, you could use five different sleeves on your five provinces, and you would not get any in-game advantage from this. Ever.

How do the UltraPro mattes compare with the Dragon Shield mattes? Do the UltraPro's come in a size less than 100?

I would highly recommend Dragon Shields. They are a little more expensive but are quite durable and will last for a long time. Dragon Shields produce a really good selection of colors, both gloss and matte finish. A single box of Dragon shields comes with 100 sleeves. My friend and I split two boxes, each taking 50 sleeves of two different colors, giving us just enough to sleeve all our of dynasty and conflict in two different colors. We play a lot of MTG so we simple grabbed a few sleeves of a 3rd color to use for our stronghold and provinces. Alternatively even if you built a full 45 card deck of either one you'd have exactly 5 sleeves of one color for your provinces and at least 5 left over for your Stronghold and Role.