Power Dice Upgrade

By Peebstar, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello all!

I just recently bought Descent, AoD and RtL(after only playing vanilla descent twice) and am going to start a new campaign with some buddies soon. I was reading the RtL rulebook (for the 4th time!) for clarification and 2 things still always gets me - power dice upgrading and treachery.

1) Page 23 of the RtL rulebook reads: ... "In copper campaign, a hero can upgrade a max of 3 black dice to silver and may not upgrade silver at all. In silver campaign, a hero can upgrade as many black to silver but only 3 silver to gold. In a gold campaign, a hero can upgrade as many black and silver dice as he wants but only 1 silver to gold"

The only difference between a silver and gold campaign that I can see is that you can upgrade MORE silver dice to gold dice in a SILVER campaign. Does this seem wrong to anyone else?? Shouldn't you be able to upgrade more dice to gold in a GOLD campaign?!?!?!

2) Does the OL start with treachery in RtL like in AoD or does he have to simply buy it when he can afford it?

Confused but VERY excited to start playing!! Thanks everyone!


Peebstar said:

Hello all!

I just recently bought Descent, AoD and RtL(after only playing vanilla descent twice) and am going to start a new campaign with some buddies soon. I was reading the RtL rulebook (for the 4th time!) for clarification and 2 things still always gets me - power dice upgrading and treachery.

1) Page 23 of the RtL rulebook reads: ... "In copper campaign, a hero can upgrade a max of 3 black dice to silver and may not upgrade silver at all. In silver campaign, a hero can upgrade as many black to silver but only 3 silver to gold. In a gold campaign, a hero can upgrade as many black and silver dice as he wants but only 1 silver to gold"

The only difference between a silver and gold campaign that I can see is that you can upgrade MORE silver dice to gold dice in a SILVER campaign. Does this seem wrong to anyone else?? Shouldn't you be able to upgrade more dice to gold in a GOLD campaign?!?!?!

2) Does the OL start with treachery in RtL like in AoD or does he have to simply buy it when he can afford it?

Confused but VERY excited to start playing!! Thanks everyone!


1) Basically, what it talks about is upgrading that type of dice to the next level. So, here's what you can have Max'd out on each level:

Copper: 2 Black Dice and 3 Silver

Silver: 2 Silver and 3 Gold

Gold: 5 Gold

2) No, the OL does not start with Treachery, he/she has to purchase it with XP as listed on the OL Sheet.

Nakarashi said:

Peebstar said:

Hello all!

I just recently bought Descent, AoD and RtL(after only playing vanilla descent twice) and am going to start a new campaign with some buddies soon. I was reading the RtL rulebook (for the 4th time!) for clarification and 2 things still always gets me - power dice upgrading and treachery.

1) Page 23 of the RtL rulebook reads: ... "In copper campaign, a hero can upgrade a max of 3 black dice to silver and may not upgrade silver at all. In silver campaign, a hero can upgrade as many black to silver but only 3 silver to gold. In a gold campaign, a hero can upgrade as many black and silver dice as he wants but only 1 silver to gold"

The only difference between a silver and gold campaign that I can see is that you can upgrade MORE silver dice to gold dice in a SILVER campaign. Does this seem wrong to anyone else?? Shouldn't you be able to upgrade more dice to gold in a GOLD campaign?!?!?!

2) Does the OL start with treachery in RtL like in AoD or does he have to simply buy it when he can afford it?

Confused but VERY excited to start playing!! Thanks everyone!


1) Basically, what it talks about is upgrading that type of dice to the next level. So, here's what you can have Max'd out on each level:

Copper: 2 Black Dice and 3 Silver

Silver: 2 Silver and 3 Gold

Gold: 5 Gold

2) No, the OL does not start with Treachery, he/she has to purchase it with XP as listed on the OL Sheet.

+1 The wording in the rulebook is a misprint.

Gotcha. Thanks!