Now that the Latari have dropped all of their current units and cards I thought I'd look at some possible builds. I've been playing MSU archers with some success so i wanted to continue on this line but with a bit more flexibility in regards to what the list is putting out.
This list is all about immobilizing and stunning units out of the game. I reckon there will be a turn where both Scions drop their Vicious Roots whilst the 2 Dreamweavers stun another two units, with perhaps Maegan doing the same, though pushing her forwards in not a great gambit. Then send in a charge from the Leonx Riders as a final blow.
Might even work...
Sorceress's coven
Maegan Cyndewin : Malcorne's Bequest, Arcane Mastery. Her job is to recast the runes so that the rest of the list can function
Aymhelin Scion: Vicious Roots. Because there is going to be nothing funnier than freezing big cavalry blocks and watching their impotent rage as arrows rain down from the sky whilst they are smashed with arcane bolts of Elven fury.
Aymhelin Scion: Vicious Roots
Deepwood Archers 2x1
Wind Rune,
Simultaneous Orders,
Dreamweaver Sorceress. Get in close and stun lock units.
Deepwood Archers 2x1
Wind Rune,
Simultaneous Orders,
Dreamweaver Sorceress
Deepwood Archers 2x1
Fire Rune, Simultaneous Orders,
Storm Sorceress. A true damage dealer if I have ever seen one
Leonx Riders 3x1
Column Tactics. Because going into combat without cavalry is suicide.
198 pts