Hello all,
Posting from the phone since I have an hour to kill (too early visit to the Administration...).
Yesterday we started building the story for the solo adventurer that I have pestered you about in other threads. We decided (was more or less decided befre, but anyway) on a solo explorer on a Sleuth. He or she will be flying around, discovering things and selling the information. And getting in trouble both in exploration and selling the info to the wrong guy or annoying someone when selling it. And then we have adventures.
Adventures can be a wide range of stuff. From opening new hyperspace lanes, to search for old battle sites to sell to scavengers (and scavenge herself), search for planets, track down people or animals, .... And sell it all in general. She is not aligned to.any specific faction in the galactic struggle so far, and right now plans to be a free agent, even if we need to think about a sponsor for the equipment she will need.
For building the character we have EotE, Hutt space book, enter the unknown And the beyond the rim adventure.
We decided to go for a pioneer big game Hunter. More because she (the player) thinks that combat will be fun and likes rifles than because we want her to hunt big game. The abilities of the big game Hunter are useful to an explorer both in space and planetside. Or so we think having not much experience with the game. We believe that the ability spread looks solid for a solo character. She will be lacking in social graces, but so is life.
Character race so far is likely to be one of those (player still undecided) human, duros (cool background), rodian (funny looking) or Jawa (even funnier being a midget). Even if other images are being considered as well.
She (the player is female, not necessarily the character) will be accompanied by a few droids to counter some of the problems that a single character might have. A pair of explorer droids, a pair of astromech and a triad or so of those small amount repair droids that appear in Watto's shop and That close up when you hit hem in the nose. Maybe a hunter droid as well.
Ship will be a Sleuth, and she plans to have a bike for exploration as well (probably carried UNDER the ship for space reasons). That looks better on a non jawa. I had quite a laugh imagining a Jawa riding a SW speeder bike.
For weapons she prefers non letal stuff (the player is not much of a killer herself) so we are going for electrical pulse traps and stun riffles. The model 77 slugthrower from EtU seems good for this. We are giving her one or 2 hunting/combat droids for backup.
And so far this is it. Will keep you posted.