Form Fillable Character Sheet

By Scorpienne, in Rules Questions

Great sheet. Could the ring values be copied from narrative sheet to conflict sheet? Now conflict sheet's ring values are empty.

9 minutes ago, Mirac said:

Great sheet. Could the ring values be copied from narrative sheet to conflict sheet? Now conflict sheet's ring values are empty.

Oh, I thought that was just a place to put a marker so you knew what stance you were in...


Thanks for sharing, very good sheet. ;)

Hi, I love this sheet, it allows me to put a lot of detail in. however it would be handy to have a section for your characters finances cause otherwise it would be just a note in the inventory. I know its not very honourable to care about money but hey gotta get a heinin to clean my clothes some how

This is really good. Thanks. I second the request for a place to record money.