
By NewKevlar, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Airborne and Contaminated have abilities that add shields or hearts depending on infection tokens on the hero. My group sees the wording as pretty open ended on how they can be discarded per attack. Currently, we play as many tokens as desired up to the total can be discarded per attack. I tend to think this doesn't work because it says 1 token, but it doesn't say per attack or only 1. We also played that when using blast, the shield effects would guard each target i.e. discard 2 tokens, each defense roll gets +2 shields.

I think, essentially, I'd like an explanation of the timing of when the tokens are removed, or clarification of when "after rolling dice" relates, would offer the most insight.

Also curious how this works with Sweep. If one hero has a token, can I discard it to add a heart to the whole attack? If 4 heroes would be affected, can I discard them all? That seems OP... ;)

1 per attack on.... one of them.

EDIT: Sadgit wins.

Edited by Zaltyre

Is this in the faq or ufaq and I missed it? What part of the wording indicates 1 per attack?

Also, if someone could offer insight on blast and sweep.

Would I have to remove one token for each monster I want to have the shield bonus, or can I only choose one?

And if I am blasting, does it add 1 for each hero with just one removal, then added to each person affected as well? Do I have a varied attack, i.e. whoever has tokens has +1 heart if I choose?

As I understand some of the basic II cards, a blast uses the same modifiers to all heroes if you have some bonus contingent on a particular class, given they are the target.

Still in the dark on something comparable for Sweep.

The "each time" wording such as you see on contaminated is a clear "once per instance" limiter. It's the sane reason a wildlander can't spend 3 fatigue and "nimble" 3 spaces away when a monster moves into an adjacent space, or that Alric can't keep swapping spaces with Overpower until he fails.

Were you to use an infection token to add a damage to a sweep attack, it would increase the damage for all heroes (because a single attack roll is made). If you were to add a shield to defense results, it would only be for that monster (all monsters roll individual defense, and the card would be triggered by the hero targeting a specific monster).

I agree with Zaltyre on timing and Contaminated but disagree on Airborne. But I guess Zaltyre just did not have his first coffee yet :)

Contaminated: When an infection tokens is discarded from a hero who is targeted or affected by an attack targeting and/or affecting multiple heroes, 1 damage is added to the entire attack result and each hero has to defend against that.


Question: How does Contaminated (discard infection token to add 1 damage to attack) work with attacks that target multiple targets? For example, if Merriod 's Flail attack one target with an infection token, and one without, can the +1 damage affect the non- infected target? If so, can I discard one infection from each target to get a total of +2 damage?

Nathan Hajek wrote:
You can discard 1 token and each hero would suffer 1 additional damage. You cannot discard multiple tokens because the timing is the attack, so you can only discard once.

Airborne: When an infection tokens is discarded from a hero who performs an attack targeting and/or affecting multiple monsters, each monster would get an additional shield on their individual defense roll.


How does Airborne (discard infection token to add 1 shield to defence) work with attacks that target multiple figures? For example, for Blast or Leoric's feat, does removing one infection token add 1 shield to every target's defence dice? Or only 1 target?

Nathan Hajek wrote:
You can discard 1 token and each defense result of each monster would gain 1 shield.

Edited by Sadgit


Thank you, Sadgit, that is what I needed! Is that part of the CRRG? I don't remember coming across anything in there about multiple targets for the Infection tokens.

Yes, it's in appendix 2.4 Overlord cards entry Airborne and Contaminated :)