Playing Army of Dal'Zunm this coming Friday.
The quest states that the heroes can spend an action to reveal the color of an objective token, and can then spend another action to place it on their hero sheet if it is blue or discard it if red (no action). It says a hero or Lieutenant may equip the green objective token if adjacent to it. But because the overlord has the ability to see what some of the objective token colors are by discarding a card, is a lieutenant able to directly (on OL turn with an action) equip the Relic or green objective after swapping it? Does it stay flipped, and does the one it is swapped with stay unflipped?
The rules do not specifically state an objective token has to be flipped over before it is equipped. If it can't be equipped by a lieutenant after swapping, the only way for the OL to equip it is to kill the hero who has it already equipped.
When the OL looks at a token, does it get flipped even if he doesn't exchange it?
The favor on this ruling seems to tip one way or the other based on interpretation, so if you can see another input that I am missing to make it balanced, that is good, too!
I haven't had my last question from a week ago answered by FFG yet, so I don't expect an official ruling before I play this, so opinions and insight are much appreciated.