Art, More Art... and more Art than you can swing a lightsaber at.

By ExpandingUniverse, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I apologise for those players & GMs like me who like/want/need as much (mainly FFG) SW art for visual references during gaming...

... is there anywhere on the tinterweb where you can download FFG SW art. I know I can google SW art, SW conecpt art, but the same images keep coming up. I'm looking for decent generic male/female alien pics to assist when describing an alien... not like wookies or jawas etc.. the other ones that are 'blink and you miss is it' and the FFG ship art, the stuff from Destiny etc

I also check out the FFG news section and download the pics if available - i.e.right click and save

EDIT: I don't know for the life of me why I didn't think to Google this WAAAAAY earlier.. it's been a long day year:

Edited by ExpandingUniverse

You are an Occifer and a Genshleman :lol: