Page 22 talks about virtue distictions and flaw adversity, a term that never gets otherwise explained, but at least it state the advantage and disadvantage category which is supposed to be associated with Honor (even though that could be missed if one does not read carefully).
Page 23 does then leave it more general by just talking about fame advantages and infamy disadvantages, but never makes it clear what makes any given advantage or disadvantage to be considered that way, not even narrowing it down to the sub category.
Then on page 60 (to which one gets send to for details) we find under Aquiring Distinctions that a player can get them through Honour and Glory, but it does not talk about what makes any distiction a fame or a virture distiction, those terms remain ill-defined.
The other paragraphes about the other advantages and disadvantages on page 60 then do not mention honor or glory at all. thus leaving the terms of fame, infamy, virtue and flaw still undefined.
Sure, there are then distictions and Adversity that have the type Fame and Infamy, but I think there should be a clear reference that tells players to look for those! Virtue seems to be even easier to miss, since that is only to be found under Paragon of a Bushido Tenet and the same goes for Flaw under Disdain for a Bushido Tenet. So, I would say the use of these keywords has to be better and more clearly established.