11 minutes ago, tenchi2a said:I was stating my opinion which is just as valid to me as yours is to you. so the grow up commit is unnecessary. It actually shows how immature you are since you have to start of your argument by insulting me.
I myself have used my D10s in multiple games so I don't see this as a defense for custom dice.
As for price I can buy a pack of D10s for between $5-8. Where FFG dice pack tend to be in the $10-15
Immature? You're discounting an entire game as if custom dice is somehow going to break it. This isn't starwars where you're going to need to buy 7 different kinds of dice. Even just 4 of each will hold for most games. Conversion charts aren't difficult either if you must count your pennies AND roll dice... Or adapt to modern life. Just because something has been one way for 20 or 50 or 100 years doesn't mean that is how it will always be, or that there is no room to innovate.
I'm skeptical about these dice for mechanical reasons. I'm concerned the play value may not be as great. Complaining about the cost though? When you're buying just 5 of 2 types of dice its a stretch. SW required you to buy a lot of dice, so I can see people complaining about it being a cash grab - but at a point you have to quit complaining and do something.
1) It costs too much -> Use a free app
2) I want to use the dice I already have -> Use a conversion chart
3) I like rolling dice, but don't want to use conversion charts -> Print stickers
4) I want to bag on a company for trying to innovate RPGs and refuse to take any consolation or substitution and just want to whine forever -> Just play one of the existing 4 editions which are already available, and can be considered complete systems. Roll all of your existing dice you want with your existing books. Don't worry - nothing new will happen to any of these systems.
Edited by shosuko